A critical citizenry – Últimas Noticias

We recently wrote regarding “Confidence and Political Credibility”, an analysis that aroused interest, criticism and suggestions from our readers, who prompted us to continue delving into the subject.

An interesting reflective process was generated that, regardless of the polarization and the political space, revealed to us a critical and reflective citizen in the face of politics, who is not limited to simply denouncing or muttering regarding the discredit of the political class. At the beginning, an interest in the “virtues” and qualities necessary for an ethical exercise of politics stands out. And, in that sense, credibility, honesty and transparency stand out, plus integrity and honorability in the political trajectory, beyond the fact of “appearing honest and upright” before the citizens themselves. Conditions and qualities of the political exercise that include both objective and subjective elements, which deserve to be valued and taken into account. They emphasize that, given its public nature and high importance, this means maintaining a consistent line with the principles and, therefore, preserving credibility beyond the desired prestige. Reflections that demonstrate a spontaneous exercise of criticism and surveillance of the public function, a political maturity of the citizenry and, without a doubt, a call for attention to political praxis, transparency, auditing and management control. Let us remember that the preventive vigilance of the public function contributes in an important way to guarantee the rights of the citizens themselves. They clearly claim their right to participate in Public Management, as “responsibility and a complement to the traditional mechanisms of political representation.” Ibero-American Charter of Citizen Participation in Public Management, 2009.

We close by highlighting the importance of maintaining and preserving credibility, much easier than losing prestige and even more difficult to regain. There are those who correctly affirm that, once lost, it is the beginning of the end for a politician and often means the sad end of a political career.

This situation requires and requires connecting with citizens, responding to their demands and respecting their right to participate in Public Management.




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