Follow-up-Batoul Dawa
For many people, espresso coffee is a great alternative to regular coffee. Despite its ability to dispel morning drowsiness and provide the body with a dose of energy.
There are health secrets behind the taste of espresso coffee, which are related to the level of cholesterol in the blood.
In a recent study, it aimed to find out how different preparation methods, especially espresso, are related to total cholesterol in the blood.
Researchers have found that drinking 3 to 5 cups of espresso a day increases cholesterol levels in general.
They also found that drinking 6 or more cups of boiled coffee per day leads to an increase in the level of cholesterol in females and males. Compared to people who don’t drink coffee this way.
They also found that drinking 6 or more cups of filtered coffee per day increased cholesterol levels in females only.
In general, drinking coffee of any kind, or method of preparation, may lead to an increase in the level of beneficial and harmful cholesterol in the body.
Also, drinking excessively coffee leads to many problems, such as: anxiety, increased heart rate, and insomnia