Colonel Goïta creates a commission responsible for drafting the new Constitution

Published on : 12/06/2022 – 02:07

On the night of Friday June 10 to Saturday June 11, the President of the Transition, Colonel Assimi Goïta, signed a decree establishing the commission for drafting the new constitution. The members of this commission that he will appoint will work under his authority to present a draft law on the constitution of Mali ” as part of the overhaul ».

Five days following announcement of a new transition lasting 24 monthsthe leader of the Malian junta, Colonel Assimi Goïta, signed a decree creating a commission responsible for drafting a new constitution.

A double message appears there. First, you have to go fast, because the clock is ticking. But there is also a strategy in the approach of the military: to continue to discuss the lifting of sanctions with partners from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Then, on the local level, show that we haven’t lost our touch.

The drafting team for the new constitution, which will be formed by Colonel Goïta, notably includes a president, two rapporteurs and experts.

As part of her work, she may consult all living forces of the nation, including political parties and civil society. Armed groups signatories to the agreement for peace in northern Mali, trade unions, religious organizations, as well as traditional authorities will also be able to make their contributions, specifies the presidential decree already published in the Official Journal.

A very tight deadline

The editorial team has two months to submit the copy. A deadline that seems extremely tight, even this project was expected, according to the Malian constitutionalist Fousseyini Doumbia.

According to Fousseyni Doumbia, Malian constitutionalist, the deadline is very short to propose the new Constitution

Read also : Konimba Sidibé: “ECOWAS or not, we must change the government”



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