The world boxing champion became famous in one fight! 2 The girl holding the placard “looks too high” IG exposure soared 70,000 fans jqknews

Entertainment Center/Reported by Xu Peiwen

The WBA・WBC・IBF bantamweight “World Champion Unity Fight” was held at the Saitama Super Arena in Tokyo on June 7. The 29-year-old Japanese “monster” Naoya Inoue defeated the 39-year-old “Monster” in just 2 rounds. Filipino flashes” Nonito Donaire, making the whole country of Japan celebrate with cheers online. At the same time, many stars such as husband and wife Mu Cong, Kubota Masataka, Takara Kengo, and Terashima Shinobi also watched the battle off the stage. However, netizens are only concerned about the two “beautiful” points behind Inoue Naomi. The two placard girls became famous in the competition with their super high looks.

The two placard girls behind Inoue Naomi became famous with their super high looks. (Picture / Taken from Inoue Naomi IG)

According to the “Tokyo Sports Daily” report, the two placarding girls behind Inoue Naomi are 30-year-old Amano Asa and 27-year-old Xueping Lizuo. In addition to being a placard girl, Amano Asa is also a little popular actress in Japan, while Xueping Lizuo on the side is a new generation of sexy goddess known as “Linghe’s most beautiful figure”, with delicate facial features and super fairy temperament. She has just launched a photo album recently, and after the exposure of Inoue Naomi’s interview screen, the sales of the photo album even reached the top of the list.

Amano Asa (left) and Xueping Li Zuo (right) have become the eye-catching “beautiful” spots in the world boxing championship. (Photo/Photo taken from Amano Asa, Xuepingli left IG)

Xueping Lizuo, who is 164 cm tall, has a proud upper circumference and a super-deep career line. She has delicate facial features and has been praised by netizens for “angel’s face, devil’s body”. She is 27 years old this year. She has been a racing girl since 2019, and moved to the photo industry the following year. On the 7th of this month, she appeared in front of the screen as a placard girl of “World Boxing Championship”, and her dazzling appearance immediately attracted the attention of netizens . Sharp-eyed netizens found that the number of IG fans of Xueping Lizuo was only 140,000 before the boxing championship. Unexpectedly, it rose by 70,000 after the game. At present, the latest number of fans has reached 210,000. The photo book released in January also returned to the charts, and went straight to the first place in sales.

The photo actress Xue Ping Li Zuo, with her super high appearance, served as the placard girl in the world boxing championship, and her popularity skyrocketed in an instant. (Photo/Photo taken from Xueping Li’s left IG)
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