Police have a headache. People want to ‘selfie’ with moose!!!
I understand that because ‘Moose’ not friends
with a chance ‘Face to face’ almost every day
So whoever had the opportunity to pass by
must want to go in ‘selfie’ Keep it as a souvenir!!!
But this turned out to be an event that created ‘Thriller’ to the Erie Police Department
Colorado, USA even had to post a clip of a moose walking on the street.
with a police car driving along with a message posted warning that…
“When you meet a moose Please keep your distance for safety.”
“(Please stay further than you think it will be safe)”
“And please… please… please try to stop taking selfies with wildlife.”
The Erie Police Department also posted a warning to dog owners.
also to use ‘Leash’ Do not remove the leash from the dog collar.
to prevent the dog from approaching Shocking the moose!!!
From the news that at that time the police were herding the moose.
who came out walking on the road to the right place
A relief that no one has ever entered ‘Give me a selfie’ show that you are not ‘Strange stuff’