Putin’s New Mistakes

But what is happening to Vladimir Putin? He who had such sound judgment, for example with his policies towards Syria and Turkey. After being seriously mistaken regarding Ukraine, the European Union and NATO, here he is once more.

When visiting an exhibition regarding Tsar Peter the Great in Moscow, he compared himself to Peter the Great, and he indirectly claimed the return of the territories of Russia of that time. As if this blunder was not enough, he then, in a television program, indicated that European countries might not do without Russian energy in the long term. He has it all wrong.

1.What did Putin say

Peter the Great (1672-1725) was the great modernizer of Russia, but also the one who built an absolutist power. That Putin refers to Peter the Great is therefore in itself a very strong political image. According to Putin “The conquest of Sweden was not regarding conquering something for Peter, it was regarding taking back territory”. Why take over territory? Because, Putin continues, Slavs lived there. And Putin added: “it is impossible, do you understand, impossible to build a fence around a country like Russia”. And once more: “a State is either sovereign, or a colony. There is no status between the two”. He concludes: “our responsibility is to take over and consolidate”.

2. How to interpret Putin’s words?

In other words, the countries of Eastern Europe in which Slavs live are Russian territories to be taken back. The same logic prevails for the countries of Central Asia. The territorial expansion of Russia is justified by the nature of its territory, which is impossible to protect other than by conquest.

3.Why is this an error?

This affirmed conquering vision can only provoke alliances once morest Russia among all the States whose territory is threatened by Putin.

4.Why can European countries do without Russian energy?

Putin underestimates the will of the countries of the European Union, as well as the rapid evolution of green energies. The Europeans very quickly agreed to do without Russian oil. They are banning the use of coal. Only Russian gas can still claim some long-term utility. However, the countries of the European Union must become carbon neutral by 2050. This policy which, it is true, is struggling to deliver, implies a reduction in energy imports and an increase in local sources of green energy. Over 25 years, the Russian energy export window to Europe is closing completely and rapidly.

5.Why does Putin make such mistakes?

The cause of his errors is impossible to determine with certainty. However, two hypotheses dominate the others. The first is that his state of health affects his judgement. It is possible that the rumors regarding a cancer from which he would suffer are founded. The second hypothesis is that his quest for power ended up dangerously isolating him from reality. He would live cloistered among courtiers. They would not dare reveal to him the extent of the dysfunctions of his state apparatus and even less disabuse him of the falsity of his analyses. Regardless of the source of his grave mistakes, Putin has certainly become a threat to Russia.



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