War in Ukraine: why doesn’t China come to the aid of Russia? Xi Jinping’s trouble game

On the contrary, on the economic level, many Chinese banks and companies have withdrawn from the Russian market in order not to incur secondary American sanctions. And on the military level, no weapon system has crossed the border between the two countries. A situation which, according to our colleagues from the Washington Postreportedly pushed Russia recently to urge their Chinese partners to respect the economic and strategic agreements preceding the invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

It was enough to irritate Beijing for which, still according to a Washington Post source, the national interests and those of the Chinese people take precedence above all. In other words, the Asian giant does not want its economic interests to be jeopardized by the expansionist aspirations of Vladimir Putin. And unless there is a solution to cancel the effects of the sanctions, China will not lift a finger so as not to risk being harmed in turn in its relations with its main economic partners, namely the United States. States and the European Union.

A sign of the effectiveness of the measures taken so far at the political and economic level by the White House and the West. It remains to be seen now what posture China will adopt in the days and weeks to come, and whether Xi Jinping will decide to call Volodymyr Zelensky.



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