Warning: A drink consumed by millions doubles the risk of developing lung cancer

04:02 PM

Wednesday 08 June 2022

A recent study, published in the British Society of Gastroenterology’s journal Gut, linked the popular beverage to “doubling” the risk of bowel cancer, which kills tens of thousands of people each year, despite ongoing efforts to diagnose and treat it.

Cancer cells are intractable because they divide and multiply in the body at a rapid rate, often spreading to other areas before they are detected, and this internal advantage helps explain why survival rates are lower than other chronic diseases, according to express.

Consuming two or more sugar-sweetened beverages per day in adulthood was linked to a “double” risk of bowel cancer before age 50 — at least in women. percent, rising to 32 percent per daily serving during the teenage years.

According to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), sugar-sweetened beverages, such as sodas, fruit-flavored drinks, sports and energy drinks, account for the main source (39 percent) of added sugar in American diets, and 12 percent of the population drinks more than three servings ( 8 fluid ounces each) each day.

To explore the link between sugar-sweetened beverages and bowel cancer risk, the researchers relied on information provided by 95,464 participants in the Nurses’ Health Study II, an ongoing observational study of 116,429 registered American nurses aged 25 to 42 at enrollment in 1989.

Women reported what they ate and drank, using food frequency questionnaires validated every 4 years, beginning in 1991, and 41,272 reported what and how much they drank during their teenage years (13-18) in 1998.

Information was also provided on potential influencing factors, including family history of bowel cancer, lifestyle, and regular use of aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamin supplements.

In 1989, participants were additionally asked to recall their health status, weight (body mass index), and lifestyle in their teenage years.

During 24 years of observation, 109 of the women developed bowel cancer before age 50, and higher intake of sugar-sweetened beverages in adulthood was associated with increased risk after accounting for potential risk factors.

Compared to those who drank less than one serving per week, women who drank every day were twice as likely to develop bowel cancer, with each daily serving associated with a 16% higher risk.

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Among 41,272 people who reported their consumption patterns, each daily meal was associated with a 32% increased risk of disease before age 50, and replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with artificially sweetened beverages, coffee, or semi-skimmed or full-fat milk was associated with a 17% lower risk of bowel cancer. to 36% before the age of 50.

The researchers added that these drinks also lead to a rapid rise in blood glucose and insulin secretion, which in the long term may lead to insulin resistance, inflammation, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

The researchers also suggested that there is new evidence that fructose can impair intestinal barrier function and increase gut permeability, which may promote the development of cancer.

According to the NHS, more than 90% of people with bowel cancer have one of the following combinations of symptoms:

Persistent change in bowel habit, defecates more often, looser, runny stools and sometimes abdominal pain.

Blood in the stool without other symptoms of hemorrhoids, which makes it unlikely that the cause is hemorrhoids.

Abdominal pain, discomfort, or bloating is almost always caused by eating, sometimes resulting in reduced food intake and weight loss.

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