Everything you need to know about the horsefly, this dreaded insect of our summers

Who is the gadfly?

The horsefly belongs to the family of Tabanidae, and to the order Diptera. There are regarding 3,500 species of tabanids, divided into 120 genera, of which 200 species live in Europe. The two most common species on the old continent are the horsefly, Tabanus (from 19 to 24 mm), and the rain horsefly, Hematopota rain (from 8 to 12 mm).

Horseflies are mainly diurnal, and particularly active during sunny days (May to September). They are mostly found near livestock, and in wooded areas. The females lay their eggs in waterholes, where the larvae will develop.

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How to recognize it?

As we have said, the gadfly belongs to the order Diptera… like the fly. This is why these two insects look a lot alike visually. Tabanids can measure from 10 to 30 mm and have a massive body. Depending on the species, it can be covered with hairs of a green to coppery hue, or conversely completely bare.

Their head is large, and quite distinct from the body. The eyes, too, are large: contiguous in males, and set apart in females. They also have antennae, and a single pair of wings.

How to react in the event of a horsefly bite?

If there’s one thing that scares the horsefly, it’s its bite. Or rather its bite. Because contrary to popular belief, this insect does not sting, but kills its victims, thanks to a stylet that pierces the skin.

As at the mosquitoesfemale horseflies feed on blood, usually large animals such as horses or cows, or humans. Some African species are even able to pierce the thick dermis of elephants. Male horseflies, on the other hand, feed on the nectar of flowers, and are therefore harmless.

Horseflies attack mainly dark-colored animals, it is better to wear covering clothes, and light-colored, when you go out for a walk in “at risk” areas.

Is the horsefly dangerous?

Besides being very painful, a horsefly bite can also be dangerous. People with allergies may have hives or blisters at the bite site. But that’s not all.

The female is indeed a vector of many viruses, protozoa and bacteria that can be transmitted to humans and livestock. This is for example the case of anthrax (also known as anthrax, or anthrax), pasteurellosis, tularemia, or connective tissue diseases linked to the presence of parasitic worms.

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Wasp, hornet, horsefly… what are the differences?

The hornet looks like a wasp, but three times bigger. These two insects belong to the order Hymenoptera. They have a slender, often black and yellow body, two pairs of wings, and are equipped with a stinger, which injects venom.

If they can therefore also cause you inconvenience in the event of an attack, they are very different from horseflies, both in terms of appearance and in the way they attack their victims. As we have seen, horseflies have a massive shape, a single pair of wings, and no stinger.

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