Do you forget things when you are old? Beware of dementia! Doctors teach 2+3 exercise to train the brain and stabilize blood pressure at home|Health 2.0

The older you get, the more you start to forget things, beware of dementia! According to statistics, there is one new dementia population every 3 seconds in the world. How to prevent dementia? Zheng Junyun, a family physician, pointed out that to prevent dementia, you might as well practice 2 finger exercises and 3 sports every day.

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2 finger exercises + 3 exercises to prevent dementia

The first is “monthly finger fuck”! Zheng Junyun said that the month is divided into big moon and small moon. The big moon is bigger than the thumb of both hands, and the small moon is bigger than the little finger. practise. Then you can practice the advanced version of the dance month and practice finger exercises! Zheng added that finger exercises can strengthen the stimulation of the brain.

Then there is the “Swap Hands Bizan Exercise”, first raise both hands horizontally, then fist with left hand, thumb with right hand first; then open both hands, then fist with right hand, thumb with left hand first; open both hands, hold with left hand The fist and the right hand are compared with the thumb first, and it has been taking turns. After you are proficient, you can add the beat. Zheng Junyun explained that 5 times as a round, and doing 4 rounds a day can stabilize blood pressure and prevent dementia.

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In addition, three simple exercises can also be performed at home. Zheng Junyun explained that the first one is “standing on one foot”, with both feet shoulder-width apart, then the left foot is on the floor, and the right foot is raised and at least 5 feet off the ground. To 10 cm, practice with eyes closed and stand for at least 1 to 2 minutes every day. If you get used to it, you can go to the advanced version. Draw clockwise with your right knee. Daily practice can train your sense of balance and brain.

The second is “step clapping”, clap your hands when you step on a multiple of three, such as clap your hands at the third and sixth steps. In addition to training your steps, you can also train your brain and practice hand-brain coordination. The third is the “square exercise”. You can use two pieces of tape to stick the squares on the floor, which are 1, 2, 3, and 4. Then you can ask friends or family members to read the numbers casually, and then practice stepping on your own. in this number.

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◎ Consultant / Dr. Zheng Junyun

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