NetflixLast year announced the shooting of the popular Japanese manga “One Piece”(One Piece)In the live-action drama series, in addition to the cast of the released roles, the male star who plays the protagonist Luffy in the dramaInaki GodoyIntroducing the filming scene. There are many large ships in the film, and the focus pirate ship “Merry” also appeared, but fans were startled when they saw it, because the shape of the Merry was very strange.
evil sheep head
As seen in the film, the goat head on the bow of the Merry looks evil, just like the evil spirits that often appear in ghost movies. It is in sharp contrast with the cute goat head in the comic version. Fans hope that the production unit will close the mouth of the goat head according to the comic version. Even the entire sheep’s head is rebuilt. As an actor,NetflixThe original captain of the Black Cat Pirates was announced byAlexander ManiartisCast, South African actorSteven Wardas Mihawk Hawkeye.
Originally published on AM730 Piece-Merry Exposure-Frightened Fans/323095