Press release from the Council of Ministers of Wednesday June 08, 2022

Dakar, June 8 (APS) – The President of the Republic, His Excellency Macky SALL chaired the Council of Ministers, this Wednesday, June 08, 2022, at the Palace of the Republic.

At the beginning of his communication, the Head of State sent his warm congratulations to the Christian community, following the smooth running of the 134th edition of the Marian pilgrimage to Popenguine.

The President of the Republic salutes the mobilization of the young walkers, as well as the quality of the messages evoked and the prayers formulated on this occasion, in order to consolidate peace and social stability in Senegal.

The Head of State reiterates his directives relating to the acceleration of the renovation of Catholic religious sanctuaries, in particular that of Popenguine, whose extension and construction are underway, in relation with the clergy, project manager.

Addressing the issue related to the modernization of public broadcasting, the President of the Republic returned to the ceremony to lay the first stone of the Senegalese Radio Broadcasting Tower (RTS), which he chaired on June 07, 2022 , on the site of the South Triangle, in the town of Medina.

The Head of State indicates that this act, historic and refounding (because it is the first headquarters of the RTS financed directly by the State), further confirms the primordial place he grants to the modernization of public broadcasting. .

The President of the Republic takes this opportunity to congratulate the Director General of the RTS, as well as the agents of the public press companies, in particular those of the RTS, the Sun, the Senegalese Press Agency (APS, Télédiffusion Senegal ( TDS), who are doing remarkable work, each in their own field, which should be supported by the Government.

Thus, the Head of State asks the Minister of Culture and Communication to continue, with the public press structures, the dynamics of digital transformation and modernization of the public media, by integrating, in the foreground, the promotion of our national languages, the cultural, touristic and economic potential of our different regions.

The President of the Republic also invites the Minister of Culture and Communication to ensure the preservation of the archives, heritage and memory of public press companies with a view to creating a national library of the archives of public broadcasting.

The Head of State also asks the Minister of Communication to finalize the latest application texts of the press code, particularly that relating to the national public publisher of audiovisual communication.

Referring to the revival of sports policy and the development of high competition, the President of the Republic recalled that the victory of the Lions at the African Cup of Nations football in Cameroon, as well as the new infrastructures created, open new perspectives for Senegalese football and national sport.

The Head of State takes the opportunity of the Council to congratulate the Lions of Teranga, for the two successive victories over Benin and Rwanda, during the qualifying phase of the African Cup of Nations (CAN) 2023 .

The President of the Republic reiterates his instructions to the Government on the need to properly prepare, in all its aspects, Senegal’s participation in the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

The Head of State also asks the Minister of Sports to speed up the rehabilitation process, in partnership with the People’s Republic of China, of the four (4) scheduled stadiums (Léopold Sédar SENGHOR of Dakar, Aline Sitoe DIATTA from Ziguinchor, Lamine GUEYE from Kaolack, Elimanel FALL from Diourbel) for a total cost of 40 billion CFA francs.

On the social climate, management and monitoring of internal affairs, the President of the Republic insisted on the following points:

1- the preservation of the classified historical heritage and the living environment of the island of Gorée: on this subject, the Head of State asks the Minister of the Interior, the Minister in charge of Territorial Communities and the Minister in charge of Culture, to engage with the municipal authorities, the inventory, on the island, of all the buildings in danger of ruin and to take all the urgent measures necessary for the execution of the plan for the rehabilitation of the heritage of Gorée (at the image of the project carried out in Saint Louis).

The Head of State also reminds the Minister of Maritime Economy of the urgency of the rehabilitation of the pontoon and the acquisition of transport boats to ensure the service of the memory island;

2- Securing Senegal’s supply of sheep: in view of the Tabaski, which will take place in a rather special international and economic context, the President of the Republic asks the Government to accentuate, with the actors, the effective application of measures to facilitate the supply of sheep to populations at affordable prices.

Finally, the Head of State invites the Ministers in charge of Trade, Finance and Livestock to take all measures to ensure the control (during this period) of livestock feed prices;

3- the fight once morest coastal erosion and beach pollution: in this respect, the President of the Republic reminds the Government that resilience in the face of coastal erosion and the preservation of beaches once morest pollution must remain priorities.

The Head of State asks the Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development to accelerate, on the one hand, the implementation of the national strategy to combat coastal erosion and, on the other hand, preventive actions to safeguard the beach ecosystem.

The President of the Republic closed his communication on his diplomatic agenda and on the follow-up of cooperation and partnerships.


– The Minister, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic took stock of the follow-up to presidential directives and instructions;

– The Minister of Health and Social Action made a presentation on the primary evaluation of public health establishments;

– The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Equipment made a presentation on the rainfall situation and on the 2022 agricultural campaign;

– The Minister of Employment, Vocational Training, Learning and Integration made a presentation on the situation of the “XEYU NDAW YI” program.


The President of the Republic has taken the following decisions:

Mr. Talla CISSE, holder of a Master II in Strategic and Legal Management, has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Society for Integrated Waste Management (SONAGED SA).

Mr. Mass THIAM, management expert, graduate of HEC Montreal, has been appointed Managing Director of the National Society for Integrated Waste Management (SONAGED SA).

The following are appointed Full Professor at the Polytechnic School of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar:

Mr. Nicolas Cyrille AYESSOU, specialty: Food Biochemistry-Biotechnology.

Mr. Boniface BAMPOKY, specialty: Accounting and Audit.

Mr. Moussa DIALLO, specialty: IT, Telecommunications and Electronics.

Mr. Gervais MENDY, specialty: Computer Science Mathematics

Mr. Mamadou Lamine NDIAYE, specialty: Energetics, Solar energy.

Mr. Serge Francis Simen NANA, specialty: Human Resources Management.

Mr. Samuel OUYA, specialty: Telecommunications.

Done in Dakar, June 08, 2022

The Minister of Territorial Communities,

Development and Planning of

Territories, Government Spokesperson



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