The corpse of a Hérault woman left for hours in the bathroom: after the scandal, a doctor requisitioned

His family had been unable to find a doctor, throughout the day on Monday, June 6, to officially declare his death and denounced a scandal.

While she is passed away Monday, June 6, at the very beginning of the morning, the family of a 77-year-old retiree living in Mèze (Hérault) did not manage to find a doctor, throughout the day that followed, despite multiple steps, to come and have this death recorded. . A mandatory act to be able to then launch the necessary procedures.

In desperation, following contacting the firefighters via the 18th then the 15th without concrete results, the companion of the deceased person and his son-in-law appealed to the press. denouncing “scandal” and a situation “ashamed”.

A solution before the night

This obviously sped things up. After the publication of an article on the site and an interview on the radio, the solution was found. “Around 7:30 p.m., two minutes following the broadcasts, a requisitioned doctor called to come and certify the death. He came from Sète. The funeral directors came around 8 p.m.”says the son-in-law.

He says he is now relieved, but no less angry than the day before. “We don’t want this to happen to other people! Things are getting serious! We hope this can at least get things moving”.

The testimony of the neighbor

The neighbor, a former retired gendarmerie officer, also testified. He helped the companion of the deceased lady, who was shocked and called himself the 18th, 15th, the gendarmes, and doctors, in vain, with his wife. “I know the administrative operation with the doctor search system. After 38 years of service to protect people, I am ashamed that people are left in the mess like this.” And to estimate that the deceased person was left in a “degrading situation”.

The town hall of Mèze not informed

The town hall of Mèze, through the voice of its first magistrate, Thierry Baëza, expressed its astonishment following this event. He indicates that the elected representative has not been made aware of the situation. “The Mèze firefighters tell me that they have not been called and neither has the coordinator”. And to explain that a procedure is put in place locally, with a coordinator at the level of the Medical House, to avoid this type of situation. The information of the death therefore seems not to have been sent back down, from the call numbers, to these local care managers.



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