Three basic elements of fitness training to increase muscle mass | Calisthenics | Muscle groups | Physical exercise

every attemptincrease muscle massThere are three basic elements a bodybuilder should consider when planning a training program: muscle tone, muscle damage, and metabolic stress.

muscle tone

Muscle tone is a result of resistance training and a major factor in muscle hypertrophy. The extent of the effect of muscle tone depends on the duration and intensity of the movement, which must be balanced:

● Train at 80% resistance of 1RM.

● The rest time between sets should not be too short or too long, which is not only unfavorable for handling high weights, but also causes muscle tension failure.

● In addition to rest, try to reach failure at other times. High-intensity sets and sets of more than 25 seconds each recruit more muscle fibers.

Muscle tone is an important factor in muscle growth and can only be improved with high-intensity training. (provided by dialect culture)

muscle damage

Muscles will cause micro-damage under high resistance training. This kind of muscle tissue damage caused by heavy weight training is a normal phenomenon, which in turn causes muscle repair and growth, and increases muscle size, especially in advanced bodybuilders. To take advantage of this, consider doing this:

● Samemuscle groupThere must be rest between each training, and it should not be less than 48 to 72 hours; advanced bodybuilders with higher training load even need to spend longer rest time.

● Excessive muscle damage can negatively impact exercise improvement, so be sure to avoid overtraining.

metabolic stress

Metabolic stress comes from muscle training (especially resistance exercise) that consumes a lot of energy in a short period of time (the time of a set of movements). In this environment, the body will produce an obvious anabolic reaction. If the substance cannot be smoothly excreted from the blood due to muscle congestion, it will cause vasoconstriction and difficulty in blood return. Here’s a good way to take advantage of this:

● For advanced fitness practitioners, onemuscle groupDo 3 to 8 sets of different movements, or more sets.

● Each stroke lasts 1∼6 seconds, and the eccentric contraction should be slower than the concentric contraction.

● The rest time between sets should not be too long, regarding 60∼120 seconds.

Create your own training plan

There are thousands of ways to plan your daily training. Some people are used to marking movements with lines and tables; some experts will use paper, drawings, and even videos to teach you how to operate. But the way most bodybuilders take is nothing more than a handwritten note.

It doesn’t matter how the training program is presented, you should focus on the content of the training and the associated considerations; even if the content of the training is appealing, it has nothing to do with its qualities and whether it is suitable for you. The average person will allocate several days for strength training, and each time should prioritize training one or more muscle groups. If you plan to train a certain muscle group at least twice a week, you will have to work multiple muscle groups at the same time.

But I don’t want everyone to do the same exercise with the second muscle group following the first muscle group has done the first movement; The second movement of a muscle group, such an arrangement does not make sense.

It is a good way to save time by taking the rest time of the same muscle group and using it to work another muscle group. (provided by dialect culture)
It is a good way to save time by taking the rest time of the same muscle group and using it to work another muscle group. (provided by dialect culture)
Most of the visually appealing ones aren’t going to be the best training programs, especially those examples that are advertised by for-profit organizations. (provided by dialect culture)

The so-called alternating two movements, specifically, is to use the rest time of the previous group of muscles to train the other group of muscles. For example, if you want to train your chest muscles and back muscles, you can first do a set of incline parallel bars (chest muscle training), and then do pull-ups (back muscle training) following the interval rest time.

When you finish the first movement of the second muscle group, and then go back to exercise the first muscle group, you will cut the whole training in half, interrupt the process of physical development and obtain sports stimulation. For this reason, it is better to perform the two movements in turns, so that you can train two groups of muscle groups at the same time.

Rotating different movements is not only time-saving, but it is more strongly recommended if you want to exercise antagonistic muscle groups (such as the biceps that bend the elbow, and the triceps that straighten the elbow). . It is worth noting that when arranging the movements of the rotation exercises, you must stagger the muscle groups that will act together when the force is exerted. For example, if you want to train your lats, don’t combine it with biceps exercises, since most back exercises use the biceps. When the two exercises are tied together, it is difficult for the biceps to recover from the exercise on their own or to assist in back training. Other alternate combinations to avoid are: pecs with triceps, pecs with shoulders, etc.

In the same way, when you want to train large muscles, you can design two sets of movements, first do a set of single exercisesjoint movement, and then do a set of double-joint movements. For example: when you want to train the pectoral muscles with single-joint and double-joint movements, it is recommended to do single-joint movements first to fatigue the stronger muscles (pectoralis major), and then exercise with double-joint movements (such as supine birds) before exercising. Do not let weaker muscles limit the training of double-joint movements (triceps).

When planning your training menu for the week, it is advisable to consider the following:

● The number of days or times of practice.

● Muscle groups to be exercised each time.

● The sequence of movements and exercises to be performed.

● The number of sets to be practiced for each movement, and the number of repetitions of each set.

Before starting a workout, perform a general warm-up of a few minutes, as well as one or two sets of high-rep, low-resistance specialized warm-ups for each muscle group. (Though these warm-ups don’t need to be written into the training menu.)

Strength training must be properly paced. If you train the triceps first and then exercise the pectoral muscles, because the triceps are already tired, it will be difficult to push the chest together with the pectoral muscles. As a result, the thrusting exercises in the pectoral muscle training will be hindered. The same thing happens if you train your biceps and then train your back. (provided by dialect culture)

When performing strength training, it is important to distribute the force according to the strength of the muscle groups. (provided by dialect culture)
When performing strength training, it is important to distribute the force according to the strength of the muscle groups. (provided by dialect culture)

(Website article)

Taken from《【Calisthenics]Muscle group training X anatomy book: 150 kinds of training items and anatomical analysis of motor function; no need for professional equipment, no excuses for on-site exercise, strong battery life is longer! 》dialect culture

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