Famous singer called Russian artists who are definitely not gay

Danko believes that heterosexuals cannot wear “feathers”.

Danko. Photo: Global Look Press

Singer Danko said that 90% of representatives of domestic show business are sexual minorities. The artist is sure that the spectators themselves, who love external tinsel, “feathers”, are to blame for this.

“Look at the stars: what a person wears, how he speaks, how he behaves on stage. Solid rainbow flag! And it comes to the people, they clap, they pay money. It’s customary for us to laugh at artists: give all the freaks, some miserable freaks, ”the site quotes Danko KP.

The artist is upset that there are practically no “normal, worthy” men left on the stage. Among the celebrities who have retained their natural identification, Danko named Stas МихайловаGrigory Leps, Leonid Agutina, Vladimir Presnyakov.

“And there is nowhere to put samples on the rest! I don’t want to name names, but they are so obvious, ”Danko said.

According to him, a man with a traditional orientation will never put on “feathers”, only if it is necessary for some kind of dramatic role.

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