5 tips to prevent your glasses from fogging up while wearing a face mask

Get rid of foggy glasses with a face mask

In the corona era, wearing a face mask is not optional in many situations, such as public transport. It’s not a problem, you’d think, but for those of us who wear glasses… it’s not pleasant at all. Wearing a mask means exhaling hot air which then fogs up your glasses. Fortunately, there are some good tips on how to prevent this from happening when wearing a mask.

How do you wear it?

Before we get into tips on how to prevent your glasses from fogging up, it’s important to know how to wear a mask correctly. First of all, you should wash and dry your hands well. Then, you will take the mask by the elastics without touching the mask itself. Next, place the ties behind your ears and when you take off your mask, once more, touch only the elastics. Store cloth masks in a closed plastic bag and do not store used masks with new ones. Do not put uncovered masks in your bag, this might cause the spread of the virus. In this case, the virus might infect your other belongings.

Tips to prevent glasses from fogging up

The glasses fog up because you breathe through the mask. This causes warm, moist breath to escape through some small openings, including those under the eyes. The hot air rises and gets behind the lenses of your glasses. The result? Foggy glasses that must be constantly wiped with a tissue. Try one of the following tips to avoid having to constantly dry your glasses.

Dishes soap

A helpful tip to prevent your glasses from fogging up is to use dish soap. Put a small drop of dish soap on the lenses and rub them well with an eyeglass cleaning cloth (especially on the inside).

Read more tips on the next page.

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