MBCs are redesigning their network to attract more travelers

To deal with the loss of purchasing power of the Vaudois, the Left Alliance in the Grand Council (Socialist, Green, Together on the Left and POP groups) tabled a motion on Tuesday calling for tax rebates for the middle class. According to her, the reduction of five tax points recently voted by the bourgeois majority would only benefit very high incomes.

Inflation affects everyone: the population of Vaud loses or will lose several hundred francs a year due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the rise in heating bills for tenants, the cost of foodstuffs. Not to mention the expected sharp increase in health insurance premiums, notes the Left Alliance on Tuesday in a press release.

In this context, the right of the Grand Council passed on May 10 a drop of five points in the cantonal coefficient of taxes on income and wealth. This measure, which would cost the state regarding 180 million, is likely to miss its target. It would only benefit very high incomes and would not relieve the middle class, deplore the movers.

350 francs per taxpayer

And to cite as an example, an annual taxable income of 150,000 francs for a couple with two children (75% of households have a lower income). For them, the tax reduction would be limited to 387 francs. Instead, the left is asking for a tax rebate of 350 francs per taxpayer or 700 francs per married couple and 150 francs per minor dependent child.

With this measure, this same family would earn 1,000 francs, a gain of 613 francs compared to the planned tax reduction. For a single person without children, with a taxable income of 75,000 francs (60% of single people have a lower income), the tax reduction for the bourgeois alliance would be limited to 232 francs once morest 350 francs with the reduction of taxes, i.e. a gain of 118 francs.

To deploy rapid effects, the measure should already apply in the form of a tax credit on the 2021 statements. Then normally on the following years.

Proposed referendum

An alternative is needed to enable the Council of State to arrive at a solution benefiting the entire population of Vaud. If a tax cut benefiting only a small minority should pass the ramp, the Left Alliance will not hesitate to launch a referendum, she warns.

In addition to the tax rebate, the movers are asking for an increase in the ceiling for deductions for childcare expenses currently from 10,100 francs to a maximum of 25,000 francs, the ceiling coming into force in 2023 at the federal level. The cost of two measures should be around 180 million per year, that of the reduction in taxes of the cantonal coefficient of 5 points.

This article has been published automatically. Source: ats



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