Many people seek to lose weight and resort to healthy diets and exercise routines, but there are some preparations that provide benefits to help in that process to lose those extra pounds.
A study by the Universidad Austral de Chile found that a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits are the main enemies of a healthy weight, and also cause damage to the physical and mental well-being of the body.
The infusion of cinnamon and laurel is recommended by experts as a complement to lose weight, since miracle diets and losing weight with strict measures are not recommended.
Those supplements to help in the process of losing weight “they stimulate the metabolism and help to reduce kilos more easily”indicates the portal better with health. One recommended drink is the infusion of cinnamon and laurel, “recognized for its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.”
Cinnamon and laurel tea is a drink that, due to its nutritional composition, is ideal for healthy weight loss, it also prevents inflammation of the intestine.
It is important to understand that this drink is not a miraculous product to eliminate accumulated fat, but by including it in the diet good results can be achieved. “Even so, remember that if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, the best thing to do is go to an endocrinologist,” he suggests. Better with Health.
Cinnamon contains essential oils that are antioxidants and nutrients that accelerate metabolism, according to a study by the North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, which serve to increase energy expenditure and help in weight loss.
In another study, but Food and Function, Cinnamon was found to prevent the accumulation of fatty acids in adipose tissue. better with health indicates that cinnamon “also stimulates enzymes that favor lipolysis.”
Health experts and the portal Mayo Clinicnon-profit entity dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, They assure that the basis for losing weight is still a healthy low-calorie diet, combined with an increase in physical activity, but supplements such as cinnamon and bay leaf infusion can contribute when wanting to lose weight.
Laurel is a medicinal and aromatic plant that is a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic, as determined by a study carried out by Cumhuriyet University.
Preparing this infusion is simple and does not take time, it can also be consumed several times a week, but it is important to be clear that this drink is a complement to lose weight, since a healthy diet and regular practice should not be left aside. of sports activity.
- 5 glasses of water (1 liter).
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (5 g).
- 6 bay leaves.
- 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g) (optional).
- Bring the liter of water to a boil and, when it reaches the boiling point, add the tablespoon of cinnamon and the bay leaves.
- Lower the heat and allow the decoction to take place for 5 minutes.
- After this time, remove them from the heat and wait for them to settle at room temperature.
- Once it is fit for consumption, pass it through a strainer and serve a glass.
- Start the intake on an empty stomach and distribute the rest for the rest of the day.
Another recommendation of the experts is that age is a factor that plays an important role when starting a process to lose weight and burn body fat, because as the body ages it undergoes hormonal and metabolic changes that prevent the burning of calories easily.
It is also crucial to understand factors such as anxiety, stress or lack of self-control, which impact the way each body stores or processes fat.