specialists recommend the vaccine

An increase in flu activity in city medicine was observed on the island between May 23 and May 29. According to Public Health France, 355 consultations for flu syndrome would have been recorded once morest 115 the previous week. “The flu vaccine is the most effective means of protection” recall the health authorities.

updated on June 6, 2022 at 1:39 p.m.

Influenza is a contagious viral respiratory infection that causes seasonal epidemics, usually occurring between November and April. In Martinique, an epidemic is currently underway.

Between May 23 and May 29, “the number of consultations for flu syndrome carried out by general practitioners on the island was up compared to the previous week (+ 206%): 355 consultations estimated versus 115 the week before”.

It’s not always easy to recognize and differentiate a seasonal flu from a simple cold. Runny nose, dry cough, regular sneezing, chest pain, sore throat, persistent migraine and severe fatigue: is it just a cold? Know that the flu is very often accompanied by a fairly high fever, since it averages around 38.5°C. This may be the clue that will help you know if you have caught the flu.

Another unmistakable symptom: body aches! It’s painful: it hurts everywhere, these are pains that start from the neck and sometimes radiate to the calves, as if you had run a marathon. And yet, it is not so, it is the flu!

In order to effectively fight once morest the transmission of all viruses, including that of influenza, or even that of COVID-19, Public Health France recalls that“it is necessary to continue to apply barrier gestures”.

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or with a hydro-alcoholic solution;
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow;
  • Use a single-use handkerchief;
  • Wear a disposable mask when you have a flu syndrome, especially in contact with fragile people.

An elderly person who has contracted the flu, consulted at home (illustrative image).


Influenza is a contagious disease that usually resolves spontaneously. However, it can lead to complications and be dangerous for some people. The influenza vaccine remains an effective and safe way to prevent influenza and protect the most vulnerable populations.

The flu vaccine also has indirect collective protection. By preventing the virus from circulating, the vaccinated person protects the others around him who are the most fragile”. emphasizes the Regional Health Agency, especially seniors aged 65 and over. In principle, the latter receive a voucher from their primary health insurance fund, in order to withdraw their vaccine free of charge from a pharmacy.

It takes regarding 15 days between the time of vaccination and the time when you are protected once morest the flu. This is the time it takes for the immune system to react to the vaccine. This is why it is recommended to be vaccinated before the active circulation of influenza viruses, as soon as the vaccine is available.

Specialists also invite you to strengthen your immune system through food. “Vitamin C has a relaxing effect, if consumed regularly, to fight once morest low energy, infections, colds or the flu”. Vitamin C is mainly found in fruits and vegetables, in particular in citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit), red fruits (blackcurrant) and sunny vegetables (tomato, pepper).

You can also call on aromatherapyrecognized today for its beneficial effects on health. “Essential oils can help prevent and fight certain infections.”

It is also advisable to open the windows at least 15 minutes twice a day. Finally, remember to go out to get some fresh air by taking a walk, for example, as a form of physical activity. (Source : passeportsante.net)



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