From ‘adopted sons’ to ‘adopters’… Lee Jae-myung supporters protest against JTBC broadcasting mistake

picture explanation ‘Politics Department Meeting’ speech mistake scene. PhotoㅣJTBC Broadcast Screen

Supporters protested because JTBC news host Lee Jae-myung made the mistake of calling the ‘adopted sons (sons of conscience)’, which are supporters of Incheon Gyeyang-eul, a Democratic Party member Lee Jae-myung as ‘adopters’.

When reporter Lee Sang-bok, who was in charge of the JTBC ‘Politics Department Meeting’ broadcasted on the 6th, said, “I will organize today’s presentation like this”, at the bottom of the screen, ‘Pro-Name vs. Anti-Name, the Democratic Party’s deepening red ahead of the National Convention. Subtitles appeared titled ‘Dog Daughter’ and ‘Adopted Son’ Voting Rights Issue.

This reporter, who was starting to read the subtitles, mistakenly said ‘adopted sons’ as ‘adopters’. The reporter immediately corrected the word “adopted son” and said, “I will take the title as an issue of voting rights.”

After the broadcast, netizens said, “I laughed because of my mistake,” “Hehehe,” and “Anyone can make a mistake,” saying, “The beauty of the live broadcast.”

However, in the online community and social media, a video edited with only the words of ‘bastards’ spread, which drew strong opposition from the supporters of lawmaker Lee. The fan cafe ‘Jaemyung’s Village’ was flooded with articles such as “an official apology is needed” and “sense of defamation”.

After the disastrous defeat in the June 1 local elections, the Democratic Party is struggling with a conflict between the pro-Lee Jae-myung (pro-name) and anti-Lee Jae-myung (anti-Lee) groups ahead of the August National Convention.

At the August National Convention, with the attention of politicians focusing on whether lawmaker Lee Jae-myung will challenge the party leader, the Democratic Party’s internal redness is deepening. There are even rumors of Lee Nak-yeon, who fought fiercely in the Democratic primary during the last presidential election, to appear early.

[진향희 스타투데이 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]



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