Welcome to Creaturefector! | withdrawal

Hello runaway!

I’m Sabrina, writer for The New Maverick Team. I’ll basically cover creature beats, writing regarding non-human life refers to all the strange and strange things that the planet generously shares with us. (We humans are so bad at sharing the planet, I’m ashamed of that!)

You might be surprised: People with disabilities are often a sports blogger. What is the game in creatures? Not so much, it’s better to think regarding the number of historical games related to animals that often revolve around killing animals (see: Eel pulling, as well as related and fatal eel pulling riots 1886) But in my view, the splinter is the perfect habitat for an organism’s pulse, because the splinter is the site of joy and, more importantly, emotion.

To me, anger seems to be important to a creature’s heartbeat because if you accidentally encounter a creature in the woods, you might feel disoriented, confused, or disgusted. This creature is probably a small insect with more legs than you are used to seeing. The object may have some deformation of the vertebrae, such as mud or stinging. Maybe this creature is really cute and mysterious but isn’t interested in getting to know you – I mean, good for them! Every day I meet creatures that I cannot understand. I am encountering more and more creatures that I have not noticed. But I want to notice them and understand them!

Here I come inside. I am not a scientist or an expert on certain organisms, but I am a science journalist. frog feet or moth noses. In Defector, I hope to be your guide to the many creatures that slip and fail and carry around us on this silly beautiful planet. bird breeding And a blog regarding the secrets of the evolution of life on Earth.

I will also write regarding humans in the sciences, that is, those who have shaped its history and the many who are now working to correct what they have destroyed or made the above-mentioned error. I aim to deepen my skepticism regarding what is morally permissible in the name of science and scientific discovery, and I want to focus on the critics’ voices regarding the harm science can do directly to victims and marginalized communities. I am interested in the ways in which science promotes equality and justice, and the ways in which science penetrates to the core of culture. nonsense memes Or a mystical erotic movie regarding a man and an octopus.

To be clear, I won’t hide science headlines for our country like the pandemic or the launch of a SpaceX rocket. Instead, I look for stories that come out of the cracks or have nothing to do with the surface, I’ve learned regarding them, and now I want to tell them to all my friends. Consult an entomologist Dr. Alexander Riedel Who should come up with names in Germany 101 butterfly In one fell swoop (my favorite Trichonopterus sordidusNamed the unique standard that is indistinguishable from A soiled grains;)

Speaking of scientific notation I’ll leave it without agreeing on who is best to do it. Ed Yong’s Ten Years Blog Not exactly rocket science I was simple task “Celebrating the wonders of science and above all else, it should be fun and interesting for any reader like me.” I started reading Ed’s blog when I was a junior coach Scientific American Someone with no background in science, no science class in college, and no idea what on earth I practice. Scientific American. Not only was this my guide to learning and admiring rocket science, it was also a model for writing science that I realize what I want to do: blogs that are accessible, impressive, and amazing.

Now here I am, finally free to blog regarding little men — a word I use in a gender-neutral sense — to my heart’s content. Some great men will come too, but only if they have a little fun. Welcome to Creaturefector. I hope you like it here.



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