was finally introduced Diego Lopez. After a negotiation that included a stay in Uruguay and the arrival in the country in the middle of the rest week that the U players had, the Uruguayan coach offered his first press conference.
In her, The former footballer was repeatedly consulted (and rightly so) regarding the imminent signing of Emmanuel Ojeda. The Argentine midfielder had already been sought following at the beginning of the year, Azul Azul dismissed his hiring due to the high cost of the transaction and now he was once once more placed in the orbit of the club.
Nevertheless, López was unable to answer at any time as to whether it was a name imposed by the board or if it was simply requested by him or, finally, approved. But the truth is that the answer that never came has a reason.
And it is that the Uruguayan coach wanted in that position to Jesus TrinityUruguayan player whom he managed in Penarol. Moreover, it was López the one who readjusted the aforementioned soccer player on the field of play, who previously had originally been a winger, also passing through the positions of central and external midfielder.
Trinity28 years old and belonging to Pachuca, escaped from the economic possibilities of University of Chilebecause beyond the fact that he is not a regular starter in the MX Leaguethe financial realities remain totally different.
Something that López, the sports manager, repeated until exhaustion Manuel May and the president Michael Clark Varela is that they will work as a team. For the same reason, the coach yielded in the name of the defensive midfielder, but not in that of the central defender, where he wants someone he fully trusts, as he is Christian Lema.