[스포츠]Son Heung-min’s ‘Century Club self-congratulatory artillery’… Bentuho wins 2-0 against Chile

Son Heung-min, Match A 32 goal, ‘Century Club’ self-congratulation
Hwang Hee-chan opens the winning goal with a right-footed shot
‘Son Heung-Min One Top + Small Jung Woo-Young Engine’ tactic change success
Heung-Min Son’s Century Club membership event… 10 days before Paraguay

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Heung-Min Son scored a goal to celebrate joining the so-called Century Club, participating in 100 matches in A Match, and became the protagonist of the match once morest Chile.

Confused by Brazil, Bentujo took a tactical change and secured a pleasant victory.

Reporter Yoon-Jeong Shin reports.


Captain Son Heung-min, who played the 100th match of A-match as a front-line one, not as a conventional flank striker!

In the second half of extra time, Hee-Chan Hwang took the free kick in front of the goal and took the kick.

The ball with his right foot avoids the defensive wall and sharply pierces the corner of the goal and cuts through the net.

Heung-Min Son’s 32nd goal in Match A and ‘Century Club Membership Congratulatory Celebration’ put the key to the victory over Chile.

[손흥민 / 축구대표팀 공격수·주장 : 오늘 경기를 준비하면서 사실 되게 이기고 싶다는 마음이 컸던 것 같아요. 운 좋게 또 골까지 기록하면서 진짜 좋은 분위기 속에서 100번째 경기를 마무리할 수 있었던 것 같습니다.]

Prior to this, Hwang Hee-chan opened the goal with a right-footed shot from within the penalty area in the 11th minute of the first half.

Bentuho, who took the lead with this goal, continued the offensive by taking the initiative from the beginning of the game.

When Son Heung-min, who was completely different from Brazil, placed Jung Woo-young, who plays for Germany, in the midfield, the attack speed increased and a threatening shooting followed.

In addition, the opposing defender’s exit gave him a numerical advantage, further tightening the reins of the attack, and an additional goal that didn’t seem to explode, giving us a pleasant victory.

[황희찬 / 축구대표팀 공격수 : 압박하는 부분에서든 저희가 공을 소유했던 부분에서든 굉장히 좋았던 점이 많았다 생각하고 앞으로도 이 자신감을 더 살려서….]

At the Century Club membership event held right following the game, Son Heung-min’s two nephews appeared with bouquets of flowers, and Son Heung-min walked around the stands to thank the fans.

Bentuho, who recorded his first victory in the A match once morest Chile following the devastating defeat once morest Brazil, will start his third evaluation match once morest Paraguay on the 10th.

This is YTN Shin Yoon-jung.

YTN Yoonjeong Shin (yjshine@ytn.co.kr)

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