they had no information, then looked on the internet…

For several days, and for many more weeks, the situation has been chaotic in some English airports. Cancellation, lack of staff, lost luggage, travelers sometimes go through hell. “UK airports are in crisis because thousands of jobs have been cut (during the pandemic) and working conditions” have deteriorated, said Sharon Graham, general secretary of the union, in a statement. Unity.

The airline industry has been one of the hardest hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has grounded much traffic amid lockdowns and travel restrictions, leading airlines and airports to lay off thousands of workers. employees. Companies were “ill-prepared” for demand to pick up, Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab accused on Sky News a few days ago as travel resumed in full swing as a season approached. summer free of health restrictions. Result, with the rush of the holidays, it’s chaos.

And among the many Britons who have been affected by the problems are Laura and her six friends, who flew a few days ago from Manchester to Menorca, hoping to soak up the sun. But if they arrived on the spot, this is not the case with their suitcases…

Mother of a little boy, Laura, a 30-year-old from Warrington, told The Sun she spent hours on the phone with the airline TUI in the hope of collecting the luggage of all the members of the group. Without success.

Laura then thought she was condemned to spend her entire stay without a change of clothes, until she found a trace of her luggage and that of her family… on the Internet. Indeed, looking at the Manchester Evening News website, she opened an article on the problems at Manchester airport and noticed in a video, posted by another user, that her suitcase and those of the whole group accompanied were still in Manchester.

“When the Manchester Evening News does a better job than TUI and Manchester Airport together in finding your luggage,” the young woman shared on Facebook. ” On the clip, following 41 seconds we see our seven bags. We are on day 5 of our vacation and we still have no information. “, she laments.

In the meantime, the stay of the small group has come to an end and the luggage has, in the end, never left Manchester…



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