6 “realistic tips” to start exercising

The benefits of practicing physical exercise are multiple and positively impact physical and mental health.

And just as it helps maintain a healthy body weight and prevent (and control) chronic non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular, metabolic and some types of cancer, among others), it also affects people’s spirits and favors the relief of symptoms of anxiety and depression.

However, as much as they know the benefits of being physically active, people who face mental health problems can find it difficult move from theory to practice.

“Get up and go for a walk”: However well-intentioned the advice may be, it may not be enough.

It is that “when you suffer from depression or anxiety, it is common that exercise seems like the last thing you want to do“explain specialists from the Mayo Clinic, in the United States, in an article released by the institution.

“But once you feel the motivation, the exercise can make a big difference“, they say. To help people who present these pictures, they compiled a series of “realistic advice” that can prompt them to get moving.

People who feel self-conscious regarding going out can exercise at home. Photo Shutterstock.

make difference

“The links between depression, anxiety and exercise are not entirely clear, but exercise and other physical activities definitely improve symptoms of depression or anxiety, and help you feel better. Also, when you’re feeling fine, exercise can prevent those symptoms from coming back,” he says.

“The effect of physical activity on the brain’s response to stress may be particularly relevant in people with stress-related psychiatric conditions.”

This was stated by Hadil Zureigat, a clinical researcher at the Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, United States), when she recently presented, at the 71st Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology, a study that even showed a added benefit of exercise practice in people with anxiety and depression.

In them, according to their work, physical activity is associated with greater cardiovascular benefits.

Depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety are the most prevalent mental health disorders: they affect, respectively, almost 5% and more than 3% of the world population, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which states that exercise programs can be effective for the prevention of these problems.

Why? Among the reasons, the Mayo Clinic article highlights that physical activity helps release endorphins (natural brain chemicals that improve the feeling of well-being) and helps take negative thoughts and worries out of your mind.

Likewise, they emphasize that achieving goals or challenges (however small they may be) allows gain confidence and feel better regarding yourself.

The practice of exercise can also favor a increased social interaction (especially if practiced in a group), and it is a healthy way to deal with mental health problems (and avoid others that are not, such as alcohol or drugs).

Finding an activity that you enjoy is key to staying motivated.  Photo Shutterstock.

Finding an activity that you enjoy is key to staying motivated. Photo Shutterstock.

Is physical activity and exercise the same?

The answer is no. However, the two are associated with health benefitshighlight the authors of the article, who explain the differences:

  • The physical activity it is any activity in which the muscles work and that requires energy; It can include work tasks, household chores, or recreational activities.
  • The exerciseInstead, it is a planned, structured and repetitive body movement that is performed to improve or maintain physical fitness.

“The word exercise can refer you to running in the gym. But exercise includes a wide range of options that increase your activity level to help you feel better,” they encourage.

It all adds up

Las WHO guidelines recommend at least 150 to 300 minutes of exercise moderate to vigorous aerobic activity per week for all adults, including people living with chronic conditions or disabilities, and an average of 60 minutes per day for children and adolescents.

“Surely run, weightliftingplaying basketball and other fitness activities that get your heart rate up can help,” say the Mayo Clinic.

“But this is also true for physical activity, such as gardening, washing the car, walking around the block or do other less intense activities. Any physical activity that you do get up from the couch and move can improve your mood,” they stress.

“Exercising for 30 minutes or more a day three to five days a week can significantly improve symptoms of depression or anxiety,” they say.

However, they emphasize that it is not necessary to meet the daily goal all at once. “Small amounts of physical activity, as little as 10 to 15 minutes, can make a difference.” At the end of the day, it all adds up.

Physical activity can also help improve social interaction.  Photo Shutterstock.

Physical activity can also help improve social interaction. Photo Shutterstock.

How to stay motivated

If starting to exercise can be a challenge, keep it as a long-term routine it is too. The Mayo Clinic article proposes these “realistic tips” that can help achieve that goal.

✔​Find something you enjoy. Think regarding what physical activities you would most likely do and when and how you are most likely to do them.

For example, are you more likely to spend some time gardening in the evening, to start the day by going for a run or bike ride, or to play with your children following school? Do what you enjoy and that will help you keep it over time.

✔​consult a professional your mental health provider for guidance and support. Discuss an exercise program or physical activity routine and how it fits into your overall treatment plan.

I set reasonable goals. Key to avoid frustration. You don’t have to make it your goal to walk an hour five days a week. Think realistically regarding what you can do and start gradually. Adapt your plan to your own needs and abilities, instead of setting yourself unrealistic guidelines that you won’t meet.

It’s not a duty. Don’t think of exercise or physical activity as an obligation. If exercise is just another duty in your life that, in your opinion, you are not fulfilling, you will associate it with failure. Instead, treat physical activity like your therapy sessions or your medications: as one of the tools that will help you feel better.

  • Analyze your barriers. Find out what’s stopping you from being physically active or exercising. If you feel self-conscious, for example, you might exercise at home.
  • If you find it easier to exercise together, find a friend to exercise with or someone who enjoys doing the same physical activities as you.
  • If you are facing financial difficulties that prevent you from joining the gym, buying sports equipment or items, do something that does not cost, like going for a walk.

If you think regarding what it is that prevents you from being physically active or exercising, it is likely that you will find an alternative solution.

Prepare for setbacks and obstacles. Give yourself credit for every step you take in the right direction, no matter how small. If one day you do not exercise, that does not mean that you cannot maintain a routine and that it is best to give up. Just try once more the next day.

prior consultation

The authors of the article advise consulting the treating professional before starting an exercise routine, to be sure that it is safe.

“Ask him what are the most convenient activities for you, in what quantity and with what intensity. Your doctor will take into account the medications you are taking and your health status. It can also give you helpful tips to start exercising and stay motivated.”

And they conclude: “If you exercise periodically, but the symptoms of depression or anxiety continue to interfere with your usual activities, consult. Exercise and physical activity are very useful ways to relieve symptoms of depression or anxiety, but they do not replace psychotherapy or medications“.



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