The tiger mosquito, recognizable by its black color striped with white, has been present in Nièvre since 2018. This means that the department is under surveillance by the Ministry of Health. Like four other departments of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. In mainland France, 67 departments are affected. For the moment, Nièvre is one of the departments with less than 40% of colonized municipalities.
“There are not a lot of colonized municipalities in the Nièvre”, confirms Catherine Roussel, sanitary engineer at the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. “In 2018, there was Garchizy. It spread to Fourchambault, Varennes-Vauzelles. There is also Decize. But it’s very, very localized right now.”
Cover water collectors, empty and store toys…
To prevent it from developing in the region, the ARS invites the population to report its presence on this webpage the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES). She also advises covering the water collectors well, emptying and storing plastic toys (to prevent a little water from settling there), emptying cups and other containers in the garden once a week. . “Even a foot of parasol is enough for her to lay her eggs,” observes Catherine Roussel.
disease carrier
The State is vigilant, because this insect can carry diseases. Not at birth, but following biting humans who are themselves carriers. According to the Ministry of Health, they can be vectors in particular of chikungunya, dengue fever or the zika virus. Another annoying effect with this insect, but less serious: the pain of the bite. Knowing that the tiger mosquito bites more during the day.
Jenny Pierre