Orange, AOB and Huawei co-organize the first edition of the Digital Transformation Forum

Orange Morocco, together with the AOB Group and Huawei, is co-organizing the first edition of the Digital Transformation Forum, in partnership with the Finatech Group, the Association of Users of Information Systems in Morocco (AUSIM) and the Agency National for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises.

This event, which will be held in Casablanca on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, aims to be an opportunity for all actors interested in the field of digitization to meet, including managers and heads of information systems from public and private sectors, as well as technology service providers, in addition to professional associations and employers. This forum aspires to become a platform for discussion and exchange between professionals in the sector.

This forum will be organized under the slogan “Companies and digital transformation? Best Practices and New Opportunities for Success,” and will feature several well-known speakers and experts who will discuss topics such as cloud computing and data sovereignty. The events and sessions of this forum will be enriched by the testimonials of some customers who will share their experiences in terms of digital transformation.

This first edition will also see many milestones, including the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Orange Morocco and Huawei on accelerating the digital transformation of public and private companies, as well as the presentation of an exclusive study of the ‘International Data Corporation (IDC), the world’s leading provider of market information and technology, on digital transformation. in Morocco and in the Middle East and North Africa region.

This forum will also mark the holding of two workshops which will be led by experts from Orange Morocco and Huawei. The theme of the first workshop will focus on best practices for a successful transition to cloud computing architecture, while the second workshop will be a virtual exhibition space provided by Huawei, which is a space entirely dedicated to digital transformation topics. companies. Rich in content of great importance, the day’s program will conclude with a discussion on the legal environment that frames the field of digitization in Morocco.

The organizers, through this forum, aim to support and accelerate the tumultuous dynamics that emerged during the pandemic by supporting Moroccan companies to succeed in their digital transformation journey.



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