Tarazá and Murindó already have their new mayors

Mario Eliécer Sierra Correa, of the Alianza Verde Party, was elected this Sunday as mayor of Tarazá, with a total of 4,666 votes that correspond to 61.03% of the total, reported the National Registry of Civil Status. In Murindó, Oswaldo Quejada Ledezma, of the Indigenous Movement, was elected.

Atypical elections were held in both locations in Antioquia due to problems with their leaders. In both populations, 100 percent of the votes have already been counted and it is expected that the new mayors will be able to complete their terms until December 31, 2023, when the period ends.

In Tarazá, Sierra Correa prevailed over the Liberal Party candidate, William Arnulfo Parra Restrepo, who obtained 2,751 votes in favor, corresponding to 35.98 of the total.

In the current period, Tarazá, a town in Bajo Cauca Antioquia, adjusts its third president following the death of the first, Miguel Ángel Gómez, who died of covid-19 in December 2020, and due to the nullity of the election of the second, Dawinson Gómez Tamayo. , who might not hold office because he was the son of the deceased.

The Registrar’s report revealed that during the day there were 996 blank votes, 997 invalid and 998 unmarked, for a total of 7,646 votes, counting 100% of the votes.

In the municipality of Murindó, Urabá Antioquia, an atypical day was also held to elect the new mayor. There, the elected Oswaldo Quejada Ledezma, from the Movement of Indigenous Authorities of Colombia, who obtained 1,084 (48.41%) votes in favor once morest 872 (38.95%) for Emperatriz Mena Palacio, from the Alternative Democratic Pole.

Both were followed by Alberto Sinigui, with 255 votes, and Alfredo Rojas, with 4 votes. In total, 2,239 people voted.

No problems or difficulties were reported in either of the two locations during the day.



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