Christian Payeur, the environmental idealist!

Between careerists and idealists, I will always have a penchant for the latter. They remain faithful to their convictions and strive to materialize them in reality.

Careerists turn out to be rather narcissistic. They are ready to do anything as long as it serves them personally. To hell with the collective!

While politicians take off their hoods to hope for a cabinet post, there are people who remain true to their ideals and take action to make the world a better place.

These people rarely make the headlines. However, they dedicate their lives to building a well-being for their fellow citizens.

My professional life, whether as a teacher, unionist or columnist, has allowed me to meet some of these exceptional people who are determined to bring regarding lasting change.

I am thinking in particular of Christian Payeur, an architect of the development of the Network of Green Schools Brundtland (which has become the ACTES movement) and the creation of the Monique-Fitz-Back Foundation.

For more than twenty-five years, Christian has been working to save the planet by relying on the strength of young people.

Ignore despair

Everyday news is appalling and heartbreaking. It is easy to understand that many are discouraged and doubt that they can curb climate change or environmental degradation.

Moreover, the action of politicians does not tend to reassure them. Despite all these avatars, Christian Payeur has never given up on his ideals.

Even today, he remains convinced that by having more people aware of the seriousness of the situation and ready to put pressure on governments, we have a chance to bequeath a healthy Earth to posterity.

His journey has not always been easy. He had to go through the doubts of those around him regarding the actions he advocated and the reluctance of the authorities he sought.

He has reason to be proud of his commitment. A little comical: even those who originally doubted it are now showing their pride.

Leave without leaving

In 1982, Christian was hired by the CSQ as a researcher. In 2003, he became director of the professional and social action department. In 2005, he also became Director General of the Foundation. He retired in 2011.

That year, he became a member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. He has just announced his departure there. However, he promised to continue to be involved in the action and to contribute financially.

Essentially, the Monique-Fitz-Back Foundation and the ACTES Movement are dedicated to educating and mobilizing young people for the protection of the environment.

For Christian and his partners, hope is nourished by these thousands of young people who are committed to the fight once morest climate change.

Thank you, Mr. Payeur, for never giving up despite the doubts of many and for reminding us that the best strategy is to act.

Like him, you can make a donation by going to the Foundation’s website !



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