[경제]”Cabbage should be stable…”…Inflation expected to reach 4% and GDP 2% this year

Emergency support for ‘discount coupons’ for 24 items including Chinese cabbage
Economic outlook for the second half of this month, five-year economic policy blueprint announced

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They say that everything has gone up except for the salary these days.

Shopping cart prices are still not low as the price of small items rises due to the recent drought.

The government is expected to raise the inflation forecast for this year to the 4% level for the first time in 11 years and lower the economic growth rate to the high 2% level.

Reporter Kim Sang-woo on the sidewalk.


Memorial Day holiday.

The head of economy went to a large mart to check the price of shopping carts.

In the era of high inflation, where everything has risen except for salaries, this time, the rising trend is unstoppable.

The price of pods doubled from a year ago, and the price of potatoes rose 57%.

This is because crop prices have risen sharply, and the harvest has been adversely affected due to a severe drought in which the average accumulated precipitation in the country for the past month was only regarding 5% of the normal year.

The government has decided to provide emergency support through coupons and other discount events for 24 items, including cabbage and radishes, for price stability.

[추경호 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 배추가 안정되어야 상추고 뭐고 관련 식품들이 다 안정이 되는데….]

The rise in oil prices, which was the catalyst for the sharp rise in prices, is still on the rise, and the existing price measures are not working well.

Despite the fuel tax cut, it is still in the 2,000 won range, showing an upward trend for four weeks in a row.

Due to the high gas price, transportation prices rose 14.5%, and related items needed by individuals to drive their cars rose 25.2%.

This is the highest level in 13 years and 10 months.

So far, the government has maintained the forecast for this year’s consumer price inflation of 2.2%.

Inflation, which broke the 5% level last month, is expected to break through the 6% level this month or next month.

[추경호 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 5월 물가가 5%대를 기록하는 등 물가 상황이 아주 비상한 상황입니다. 최근 가뭄 피해까지 더해지면서 일부 농축산물을 중심으로 생활물가가 매우 불안한 양상을 보이고 있습니다.]

It is known that the government will officially raise the inflation target to 4% for the first time in 11 years, as it is already impossible to achieve this year’s inflation target.

While each agency is lowering its GDP growth forecast one following another, the government is also expected to officially lower the economic growth forecast for the second half of this month from 3.1% to the high 2% range.

Along with the announcement of the economic outlook, the government also announces the new government’s five-year economic policy blueprint.

It is expected to include measures to break regulations and carry out structural reforms in the fields of labor, education, and public pensions to boost economic vitality through the market and the private sector, and to secure household debt and financial soundness.

This is YTN Kim Sang-woo.

YTN Kim Sang-woo (kimsang@ytn.co.kr)

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