Pro Mujer initiatives for the international day of women’s health

Full access to health services is a basic right for all women, contemplated by the WHO and the Constitution of our country. However, contexts of discrimination, socioeconomic vulnerability or gender violence can prevent proper physical and mental health care.

In Argentina there are more than 15 million people without medical coverage, who do not access the health services they need in time. The difference between provinces is crucial: maternal mortality can be eight times higher in those living in poorer cities, or up to ten times higher in the case of cervical cancer.

In this context, Pro Mujer, a non-profit social enterprise that has been working for gender equality in Latin America for 32 years, considers women’s health care a priority: it carries out preventive controls and general medical check-ups in localized centers in areas strategic areas of Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán, and plans to expand these initiatives to Buenos Aires and Santiago del Estero. Focused on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of obesity, diabetes, cervical cancer and breast cancer, Pro Mujer also focuses on the prevention of gender violence and awareness of the importance of Healthy habits.

For the organization, women are powerful agents of change in their communities, which is why it seeks to promote their careers through three areas: financing for entrepreneurs, training in topics such as sales, digital and finance, and, of course, the health care. During May, members of the Pro Mujer board of directors at the international level went to the centers in Argentina to talk with the teams of each branch and with the entrepreneurs of our country. The visit coincides with the launch of various programs, which cover both awareness and prevention and treatment of diseases.

With the aim of reaching more women and supporting them through effective tools, Pro Mujer has virtual platforms where users can consult with professionals and have tests that indicate whether they have risk factors that make them more prone to certain diseases. For the detection and prevention of breast cancer, the leading cause of death from tumors in women in our country, and other conditions, Pro Mujer has already carried out 80,000 check-ups on Argentine women, which included screenings, mammograms, blood tests, electrocardiograms and prescription of contraceptives, among others. Regarding the prevention of cervical cancer, which causes the death of 1,800 women per year in Argentina, Pro Mujer has already carried out 10,754 Pap tests in its health centers, and promotes training to inform regarding the importance of check-ups and HPV vaccination.

Obesity, which affects the female population to a greater extent –60% of the obese are women–, is also an urgent problem that causes serious conditions: during 2021, in Argentina, Pro Mujer provided more than a thousand mass index evaluations -BMI, a fundamental indicator for diagnosing obesity- and more than 2,000 consultations focused on the importance of maintaining a healthy body and weight.

Implementing strategies to combat gender violence is another fundamental axis to guarantee comprehensive female health. Together with Foncap, Pro Mujer joined Plan Lena, a program focused on the problem that trained the organization’s collaborators. Currently, prevention and awareness talks and workshops are being held.

In addition, as part of its commitment to raising awareness, the organization launched a series of virtual conferences on women’s health in our continent. On May 31, the first meeting was held, which revolved around diabetes, with the presence of renowned specialists. These actions are highly relevant, since they can save lives, promoting prevention, self-care and timely diagnoses.

*CEO of Pro Mujer.
To contact Pro Mujer, you can call 0800-266-4210, toll-free from your cell phone or landline, or visit
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