Sandy’s mother: Her uncle’s wife killed her because she was jealous of her and standing laughing in the court cage

The mother of the child Sandy, the victim of her uncle’s wife who strangled her, put her body in a mobile phone, and disposed of her body in front of the family home in one of the villages of Al-Saff, in Giza Governorate, said that the accused committed the crime because of her jealousy of “Sandy”, because the child is loved by the family, and enjoys Have fun.

The girl’s mother added to “The Seventh Day”, that the accused was laughing and trying to provoke them while she was in the court cage, during the first session of the accused’s trial, at the South Giza Court.

The Giza Security Directorate received a report stating that a 5-year-old girl named Sandy had disappeared, and her body was found following several hours had passed inside a mobile phone in front of the house at dawn. Her family revealed the latest observations of the child, and it was found that there were no apparent injuries to her.

Surveillance cameras surrounding the house recorded a person throwing a mobile phone containing the girl’s body from the top of a house adjacent to the victim’s residence..

The detectives listened to the statements of her family members, and confirmed that the 5-year-old girl had disappeared, and following discovering her absence, they searched for her in vain, until they were surprised to find the body at dawn lying in front of the house..

Investigations by the detectives revealed that the girl’s uncle’s wife lured her and strangled her and put her body inside a mobile phone, then threw it from the rooftop in front of the house, due to differences between her and the girl’s mother. who decided to imprison her.



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