After a sunny day, the low “Maya” brings violent storms today

Up to 31 degrees and sun today Pentecost Sundaybut during the day the risk of severe weather increases with rain, squalls and even hail.

The reason is the low “Maya”, which has shifted from northern France via Belgium and is now coming over the country from the west. in the night up Montag this should linger over the east of Austria.

Highest weather warning level

Therefore the Severe Weather Center (UWZ) ready Sunday morning the highest weather warning level for the east of Austria was declared. Severe storms are to be expected, especially in Vienna. A statement from the UWZ states: “It will rain heavily in your region from Sunday night onwards. By Monday morning there will be a total of 50 to 60 liters per square meter.”

In the mountains, the first thunderstorms should be around noon, these will then quickly become more frequent and stronger in the west, and will spread to the greater Vienna area and Burgenland by the evening. In some cases, the rain is not expected to stop here until Monday morning.

Local flooding possible

If it was warmer in the east than in the west from Friday to Sunday, it should be on Montag be reversed: In the east it might rain all day and remain rather cool – the temperatures are likely to be only 19 to 21 degrees. Local flooding is even possible, warns Michele Salmi, meteorologist from the weather service Ubimet.

In the West, the Montag On the other hand, it is good for excursions: In Innsbruck, for example, up to 28 degrees are expected. “From today’s perspective, Monday looks best for mountain tours, for example in the Tauern region, because the risk of thunderstorms has passed,” explains Salmi.

Weather remains changeable

In the further course of the week for Tuesday and Wednesday another fault zone is expected to move across Austria. In the second half of the week, the weather is likely to calm down and the temperatures are likely to “level off at a comfortable level”, according to Salmi in an initial forecast.



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