15 foods that help reduce cholesterol, manage fat, prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, clogged arteries in the brain

15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol choose good food can have good health

1. Soybeans and soy products

Because soybeans are very high in monounsaturated fatty acids. Soy helps to reduce LDL and reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood. In addition, the soy peptide contained in soy also helps to stimulate our metabolism as well.

We can choose to eat soybeans in a variety of ways. whole grain soy milk Soy bean curds, tofu skins, or tempeh. For your health, choose foods that are as close to nature as possible. Avoid heavily processed products.

2. Nuts

As we understand well, the nuts have a good taste. Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids such as almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamias, especially walnuts, which are sources of Omega-3, a polyunsaturated fatty acid that helps reduce fat in the body. Blood vessels and also good for our heart as well.

Nuts, especially almonds and walnuts  help reduce blood fat

3. Oats and Barley

Oats and Barley It is a cereal that is rich in soluble fiber (Soluble Fiber) that many friends may have heard of. “Beta Glucan” Yes, this dietary fiber helps to slow down the rate of cholesterol absorption. resulting in lower blood cholesterol levels In addition, oats and barley. It is also rich in vitamin E, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus and magnesium as well.

Oat & Barley (Oat&Barley)

4. Dark Chocolate and Cocoa

In dark chocolate or cocoa, there is an important substance called Flavonoids (Flavonoids) which is classified as a powerful antioxidant (Antioxidant) to help reduce inflammation in our body here. by inflammation within our body It can stimulate various diseases such as heart disease, cerebrovascular disease. or diabetes The author recommends eating dark chocolate with a concentration of 70% or more for better health.

Dark Chocolate & Cocoa

5.Green tea

In green tea, there is an important substance called Catechin that helps to stimulate the burning of fat in our body. therefore helping to reduce the level of fat in our blood There is alsoResearch on drinking 4 cups of green tea a day That helps to lose weight and helps reduce the waist circumference as well.

Green tea

6. Red wine

important substances found in red grapes such as Resveratrol is classified as an antioxidant Helps to fight inflammation and cell deterioration. In addition, resveratrol also helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. can prevent coronary heart disease problems However, drinking red wine for health should control the amount of drinking appropriately with it. should drink no more than 300 ml per day

Red Wine

7. Okra

both okra and okra Rich in powerful antioxidants such asGlutathione (Glutathione) which helps to fight inflammation in the body as well Importantly, okra is a plant that is very high in fiber. And there is also mucilage (Mucilage). If anyone has ever eaten okra will know that okra has mucus coated on it. Both mucilage and dietary fiber help slow down the rate at which the body absorbs cholesterol. Thus helping to reduce cholesterol levels down.

Okra (Okra)

8. Garlic

Garlic contains allicin and various fatty acids. Allicin helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Stimulates the liver to work better. Garlic also has a warming effect. Stimulates the immune system of the body as well.


9. Kale

Kale is the queen of green vegetables. And has been upgraded to superfoods (Superfoods) because of its very high nutritional value. Kale is rich in protein, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and dietary fiber. Helps reduce fat and lower blood pressure There are many ways to cook kale. You can use it to stir fry, bake it, sprinkle it on salads, or eat it with chili paste. It’s all very useful.

10. Spinach

Spinach contains tocotrienol and squalene. which helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the body In addition, spinach is also high in fiber as well. There are many delicious dishes from spinach. Whether it’s baked spinach with cheese, stir-fried spinach, stir-fried spinach with oyster sauce, etc.

Spinach (Spinach)

11. Eggplant

Our homegrown plants like eggplant here. It helps to reduce cholesterol in our body as well. Whether it is brinjal, eggplant, eggplant, eggplant, or eggplant. Because eggplant is rich in dietary fiber that helps slow down the absorption of cholesterol. and help stabilize blood sugar levels


12. Plants rich in phytosterols.

Phytosterol (Phytosterols) It is a phytochemical found in plants. The uniqueness of this substance is that it has a chemical structure similar to cholesterol in our body. Numerous studies have shown that eating plants rich inPhytosterols can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in our blood. By interfering with the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine. We can add this substance to the body by eating beans, sesame seeds, whole grains. Rice germ and rice bran oil.

Phytosterol  (Phytosterols) in rice bran oil, rice bran, grains

13. Avocado (Avocado)

If you ask someone in the health field what is the source of good fats that we should eat? One of the most popular answers is inevitable. “Avocado” Of course Because avocado is a fruit that is packed full of good fats (HDL). Thus helping to reduce bad fat (LDL) down. In addition, avocados are also rich in antioxidants. Reduce inflammation and deterioration of cells in the body as well.


14. Deep sea fish and fish with high fatty acids.

Such as salmon, tuna, halibut, catfish, mackerel, etc. are fish that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It’s also very easy to digest. It is advisable to eat these fish meat 3-4 times/week. Substitute for other types of meat in meals It will help reduce cholesterol levels in our body well anyway.

deep sea fish

15. Sour fruit (Citrus Fruit)

In citrus fruits such as apples, grapes, oranges and lemons,pectin (Pectin) which is classified as dietary fiber that is soluble in water When we eat it, pectin will dissolve together with water and fat in the digestive system. and changed to a soft jelly form (Similar to the jelly that we find in fruit jams). The benefits of this jelly-like substance are Help block the absorption of cholesterol in the body. It lowers the cholesterol in the blood.

Citrus Fruit (Citrus Fruit)

dietary modifications for the better health of ourselves and those we love

The author himself had a problem with high blood lipids at one point as well. A condition that many people are probably familiar with. Yo-yo symptoms After trying to eat less for a long time. because of a lack of knowledge and understanding regarding nutrients The author therefore feels that weight loss may be more effective if we eat less. exercise more After a long time entering the body, stress accumulates. The results of the weight loss that I was doing were not visible to the back. until becoming discouraged It turned out to be eating all the snacks in front of me. keep eating all day for several months because I think that all I have done is almost nothing Finally, when I had the opportunity to have a blood test, it was found that the amount of fat or cholesterol in the body is very high So much so that the lab staff recommend that you consult a doctor. To get fat loss pills to eat together!!

As soon as I saw that result I told myself once more that we would not be nervous. Focusing only on the numbers on the scales as usual. Good health means having good health. A figure that is fit and firm It’s not a number that keeps getting smaller and smaller. but his internal health was completely destroyed. The author therefore began to study regarding nutrition principles from knowledgeable doctors, trainers, and online sources that have clips to share their knowledge a lot. and began to adjust the eating behavior To control the bad fat to reduce and increase the amount of good fat. The author’s family, whether it’s father. Or mothers have problems with high blood fat as well. When I have a chance like this, I choose to change my eating behavior at the same time. As a result, the author’s blood lipids were reduced to normal levels, good cholesterol (HDL) was greater than 50 mg./dL, including father’s blood results. Mother too. The method used is as follows.

  • There are vegetables on the dining table every day. Whether it’s stir-fried vegetables, boiled vegetables, side vegetables, boiled vegetables on the table at home. The author will focus on cooking with vegetables as well. To increase fiber and help reduce cholesterol levels. The vegetables you eat will revolve around. Both soft vegetables and hard vegetables such as zucchini, kale, morning glory, blanched green beans, boiled eggplant, steamed pumpkin, etc. for variety. Can eat often without getting bored
  • fish fillet at home Because fish meat is very easy to digest. It is especially suitable for the elderly. The author will always pay the market and buy fish to keep at home. Whether it is tilapia, snapper, pellet fish, catfish or tilapia fish. These fish contain a lot of good fats. It is an easily digestible protein. Menus that are often made include kaeng som, chilli curry, steamed fish, and boiled soup.
  • Replace the oil for stir-frying and frying with rice bran or olive oil. In the past, I never chose to use any oil. But following finding myself high in fat So began to look at the oil used in the home. Then adjust to rice bran oil and olive oil instead. To help reduce the fat used in cooking. When buying, let us read the label next to the package first to see what this type of oil is suitable for. because there will be different types Especially olive oil to withstand the heat is not the same.
  • Adjust snacks from ready-made snacks Become Dark Chocolate various nuts and fruits In the past, whenever I went to a department store, I always had to stock up on snacks to take home. because he is very fond of eating sweets The author therefore tries to change the eating behavior. Choose healthier snacks, focusing on baked, not fried snacks, and if you want sweets, eat fruit such as bananas, apples, and almonds. Or peanuts instead. Both full, delicious and feel less guilty following eating the snack. However, sweets are good for our feelings. The author still eats. Instead, eat in smaller quantities and reduce the frequency, for example, from what you used to eat every day, reduced to 3-4 days to reward yourself with a bag of delicious snacks. Or a cup of sweet ice cream so that the body is not too stressed.

However, even though we have changed our eating habits and made healthier food choices. Controlling your daily calorie intake is also important. We should eat less or eat as much as the body uses. Avoid foods that are too high in fat. Exercise regularly or move a lot during the day. Just like this, our health and blood results will gradually improve accordingly for sure.

Manage your high cholesterol problem by yourself today.

high cholesterol problems Problems we can only deal with by adjusting our eating habits. Choose to eat only what is good for your body. Along with exercising or moving the body often. Just as we can control the amount of cholesterol in the blood anyway.

Thank you for the illustration of the article.

Article cover photo: by karandaev

Illustration of the article : Image 1 by macarosha. / 2nd photo by naito8 / Image 3 by Moussa81. / Picture 4 by FSTOPLIGHT / Picture 5 by kuppa_rock / Image 6 by igorr1 / Image 7 by bhofack2. / Image 8 by Sleepyfoto. / Image 9 by Materio. / Image 10 by bhofack2. / Image 11 by Olgaorly. / Picture 12 by KPS / Image 13 by Sarsmis. / Image 14 by 4kodiak. / Image 15 by dulezidar. / Image 16 by xeni4ka.

Data source : Pubmed Central / Green World Foundation

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