Nicolás Maduro: “Alberto Fernández will be the voice of Venezuela at the Summit of the Americas”

Nicolás Maduro spoke regarding Alberto Fernández and the Summit of the Americas

The Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro, said this Saturday that the Caribbean country and the other excluded nations will be represented at the Summit of the Americas by “the voice” of the president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández.

Maduro thanked, in the “International Dialogue” program, hosted by Atilio Borón on the radio of the National University of Avellaneda (UNDAV) of Argentina, Fernandez’s “solidarity” and I assure you that it seems “very good” to him that he brings the voice of the absent nations to the conclave, which will be held in Los Angeles from June 6 to 10.

It seems very good to me that he brings the voice of Latin America and the Caribbean to the meeting of the Americas (…) we will be well represented in the voice of President Alberto Fernández,” said the Chavista. And he added: “President Fernández is a brave man, who defends what he believes; and he is once morest exclusion.”

Venezuela was excluded by the White House from the list of countries invited to the summit, along with Nicaragua, for considering that they govern on the fringes of democracy, while Cuba excluded itself amid the doubt generated by the US as to whether it would have the island or not.

Nicolas Maduro, Alberto Fernandez

Given the decision of the Joe Biden Administration, Maduro recently assured that the voice of Venezuela would be in the American conclave, “whatever the host says”. “Whatever they do in Washington, the voice of Venezuela, the voice of Cuba and the voice of Nicaragua will reach Los Angeles in the great protests of the people and our voice will be in that room (…) we will be there with our truth” Maduro said on May 24 in Caracas.

The Venezuelan dictator, who attributed the exclusion of these countries to the “fear” of the US Executive, said, during the interview with Borón, that “the meeting in Los Angeles where they intend to hold a Summit of the Americas is a contradiction. That’s not a summit, it’s a meeting.”

In a recent appearance on the state channel Venezolana de Televisión, he stated that he had his “tricks” ahead of the conclave and said that he would not reveal the “secret”, but insisted that his sector would be in Los Angeles. “We have our tricks, I am not going to reveal any secrets, but what we will be, we will be,” Maduro said, while insisting that there will be “surprises.”

This Saturday, in addition, it was learned that the Honduran Foreign Minister, Eduardo Enrique Reina, will represent his country at the Summit of the Americas. Until now, the Honduran president, the leftist Xiomara Castro, had not confirmed her attendance due to the exclusion of dictatorships, but today the president confirmed that she delegated her representation to Reina. “Honduras will be present at the IX Summit of the Americas, which will be It will take place in Los Angeles, California, represented by Ambassador Eduardo Enrique Reina, Foreign Minister of the Republic,” said that ministry on Twitter.

The great unknown is the decision of the Mexican president. It is that two days following starting the Summit of the Americas in the city of Los Angeles, next Monday June 6, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) has not publicly announced what it will dodespite the insistence of the government of Joe Biden, who openly expressed his desire for her to participate.

The summit, we are waiting. Yesterday a United States official very close to President Biden, Juan González, spoke of the fact that the lists are not yet finished or that some invitations need to be distributed. We are going to wait for each other,” said the Mexican president, leaving open the possibility of attending.




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