Lada Dance explained why the funeral of her parents did not come and hid her sisters

The artist revealed details from her life to Lera Kudryavtseva.

Lada Dance. Photo: Global Look Press

Lada Dance is a famous singer and actress. She grew up in a simple family without a father. She was raised by her brother, whom the artist rarely talks regarding.

However, he is one of the most famous tour guides in their hometown – Sergey Volkov. He can even show Khrushchev on Turgeniev Street in Kaliningrad, where the newborn Lada was brought by her parents.

However, the singer also has sisters, but she does not mention them. They were born to her father and his new wife. Dance admits that he does not consider them family. The star’s dad left for another woman when she was only two years old. She said that her father wanted to return to the family, but his wife did not accept him. In a new marriage, he had two more daughters, Natalya and Alena.

In the studio of the show “The Secret to a Million” Lada admitted that she did not come to her father’s funeral in the city of Orel Dance. She doesn’t even know the name of the cemetery where he is buried.

“I just gave birth to a son or was generally on demolition, I had no time for that at all,” the singer explained.

Lada Dance. Photo: frame from the show “Secret in a Million”

Lada loyally communicated with her father’s wife until his death, and following that she stopped responding to her inappropriate requests.

In 2021, the artist also lost her mother, who died following a serious illness. According to the star, she had dementia, and she no longer recognized anyone.

“I, unfortunately, was not at the funeral and my mother. Because following covid I had another operation on my eyesight and I physically might not come to Kaliningrad. I was lying, ”Dance said.

The funeral was handled by her brother Sergei. The singer speaks warmly regarding him and is always ready to help a relative. The star herself lives in a luxurious mansion, but plans to move to Sochi. FROM she divorced her husbandand the childrenthey live on their own.

Sergei Volkov. Photo: frame from the show “Secret in a Million”

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