Xinjiang has achieved 25.92 billion yuan in tax rebates, six industries have benefited significantly_Taxpayers_Enterprises_Tax

Original title: Xinjiang has achieved a tax rebate of 25.92 billion yuan and six industries have benefited significantly

Tianshan Net-Xinjiang Daily News (Reported by Shi Xinfeng) Since the implementation of the State Council’s new combined tax and fee support policy on April 1, up to now, Xinjiang has refunded 25.92 billion yuan in tax refunds to 36,800 taxpayers Six industries, such as the manufacturing sector, which enjoys tax rebates for stock and incremental tax credits, benefited more significantly.

Lei Jian, member of the Party Committee and Chief Auditor of the Taxation Bureau of the Autonomous Region, introduced that in the previous stage, the focus of the tax rebate work was small, medium and micro enterprises. Among them, 34,700 small and micro enterprises received a tax refund of 12.84 billion yuan, accounting for 49.5% of the total tax refund; 2,170 medium-sized enterprises received a tax refund of 8.96 billion yuan, accounting for 34.6% of the total tax refund. Manufacturing, electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply, transportation, warehousing and postal services, scientific research and technical services, software and information technology services, and ecological protection and environmental governance that enjoy tax rebates for existing and incremental tax credits The six industries benefited more obviously.

According to the unified deployment of the State Administration of Taxation, starting from June, the taxation bureau of the autonomous region will concentrate its efforts on large-scale enterprises to carry out the tax refund work, and on the basis of the voluntary application of taxpayers, to ensure that the policy dividends can be enjoyed directly and quickly. According to preliminary calculations, it is estimated that more than 35 billion yuan of tax rebates will be reduced for various enterprises throughout the year.

Lei Jian introduced that in the next step, the taxation system of the whole region will take a series of practical and effective measures to optimize the business environment to ensure the detailed implementation of policies. Carry out in-depth research and practice activities of “learning the plenary meeting, grasping implementation, and promoting development”, asking taxpayers and payers, checking the facts, asking for appeals, and listening to opinions; deepening “bank-tax interaction” and giving full play to taxpayer credit rating assessment It can help small, medium and micro enterprises to alleviate the current outstanding financing difficulties; break the bottleneck of taxation business in military and local areas, innovatively carry out taxation business across Xinjiang, further optimize and improve the electronic taxation bureau, expand “contactless” taxation, use online, Handheld Office, allowing “more data to travel, less errands for the masses”, to provide more convenient, safe and efficient services for the majority of taxpayers; to increase the punishment and crackdown on tax-related illegal and criminal acts, maintain a strong deterrent force, and create a legal and fair tax environment .Return to Sohu, see more


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posted on:Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region



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