It’s not bats.. creatures in the far corners of the world that warn of a new pandemic

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According to the website, "Yahoo News" On the authority of the scholars of what they say, the worrying thing regarding this matter is bacteria It is her ability to rebuild herself and stand up to her for antibioticsrendering current medicines in humans useless.

Chilean scientists made this shocking discovery, according to the news site, while they were researching climate change and its impact on the spread of bacteria that have been frozen in ice for thousands of years.

They warn that climate change means these bacteria will have the ability to spread beyond the polar regions, with potentially disastrous consequences.

These results came from a study published in the journal "Total Environment" The research was led by a professor at the University of Chile, Andres Marcoleta.

It is widely believed that bats were the source of the Corona pandemic, which began in the Wuhan region in China before spreading to the world in late 2019.

Marcoleta said the portable DNA fragments contain "superpower" They have evolved to cope with extreme conditions, and they can pass on to other bacteria.

He added: "We know that the soil of the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the regions most affected by melting ice, contains a great diversity of
of bacteria, some of which constitute a potential source of antibiotic resistance genes".

After experts collected samples of bacteria on the continent, they were stunned by many of them that were not indestructible, and to the surprise of scientists, they showed strong resistance to antibiotics and other toxic substances.

Scientists expected that these genes, if left in place, would be a promoting factor for the emergence and spread of infectious diseases.


And according to what was reported by “Yahoo News”, scholars said, the worrying issue in this matter is bacteria It is her ability to rebuild herself and stand up to her for antibioticsrendering current medicines in humans useless.

Chilean scientists made this shocking discovery, according to the news site, while they were researching climate change and its impact on the spread of bacteria that have been frozen in ice for thousands of years.

They warn that climate change means these bacteria will have the ability to spread beyond the polar regions, with potentially disastrous consequences.

These results came during a study published in the scientific journal “Total Environment”, and the research was led by Andres Marcoleta, a professor at the University of Chile.

It is widely believed that bats were the source of the Corona pandemic, which began in the Wuhan region in China before spreading to the world in late 2019.

Marcoleta said the portable DNA fragments contain a “super power” that has evolved to withstand extreme conditions and can pass on to other bacteria.

He added: “We know that the soil of the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the regions most affected by melting ice, contains a great diversity of minerals.
of bacteria, some of which are a potential source of antibiotic resistance genes.”

After experts collected samples of bacteria on the continent, they were stunned by many of them that were not indestructible, and to the surprise of scientists, they showed strong resistance to antibiotics and other toxic substances.

Scientists expected that these genes, if left in place, would be a promoting factor for the emergence and spread of infectious diseases.



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