High protein content pushes the metabolism

03. June 2022 – 14:54 watch

by Nora Rieder

Who does not know it: The wedding of the best friend or the birthday is coming up, but the chosen dream outfit tweaks. If you want to get rid of a pound or two too much quickly, you can resort to the zero diet – or try the quark diet.

Stay away from zero diets

Basically, if you want to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you take in. This knowledge leads many to simply eat half or nothing for a few days. Especially when it comes to losing weight in a matter of days. Unfortunately, we primarily excrete water as a result. And if we don’t take in enough protein or no protein at all, our body attacks the muscles. As a result, we lose weight, but unfortunately little or no fat.

In addition, the rapid weight loss takes revenge on my In the form of the yo-yo effect. Because if we reduce the calorie intake, our body also reduces the energy consumption. If we then eat as before, the body stores everything it can get in order to be prepared for the next phase of hunger. It is not uncommon for the pounds lost to be added to one or the other pound.

If you want to lose weight, you should primarily focus on protein.

Reading tip: 14 weight loss tricks that you can use to save calories at the same time

Lots of protein, hardly any fat: How low-fat quark helps you lose weight

A super food that provides a lot of protein with 13 grams per 100 grams is low-fat quark. At the same time, with less than 0.1 grams per 100 grams, it contains hardly any fat and is low in calories with 70 kilocalories per 100 grams.

So if you want to lose weight, you should include it in your diet as often as possible. In the so-called quark diet, all meals are actually replaced with low-fat quark at the beginning. In order to prevent nutrient deficiencies caused by an unbalanced diet, the quark is combined in a variety of ways with raw and cooked vegetables, fruit, herbs and whole grain products. This way you get balanced and healthy meals that provide your body with all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

The high protein content ensures that the blood sugar level remains constant and we stay full for longer. And the more constant the blood sugar, the less insulin is released and the more the body’s fat deposits are used to generate energy. In addition, the high protein content boosts the metabolism and promotes muscle growth. So if you want more exercise at the same time, you will benefit twice over from the protein diet. Because: The more muscle mass we have, the more calories we burn even when we are not moving.

Reading tip: With these 5 tips you can boost your metabolism – and lose weight too!

This is how you should ideally combine the quark

Those who opt for the quark diet can, at best, lose up to three pounds in three days. However, it is even better to rely on a longer-term weight loss. Because the faster the pounds dwindle, the faster we’ll put them back on. At least if we eat the same way following the diet as before.

Depending on the time of day, combine the cottage cheese like this if possible:

Breakfast: Since the energy stores are empty in the morning, you should now combine the low-fat quark with carbohydrates. Wholemeal bread (rye, spelled or sunflower seed bread) is well suited, but (unsweetened) wholemeal muesli, oatmeal and fruits such as berries are also a good choice.

Having lunch: Potatoes with (herbal) low-fat quark are a great combo, which increase the biological value of the protein even more. But you can also enjoy the quark as a hearty dip in combination with steamed vegetables, lean fish or meat.

Dinner: In the evening, the low-fat quark should actually be the main part of the meal. On the other hand, you should avoid carbohydrates completely if possible. Go raw instead. Cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, kohlrabi and celery are well suited.

Reading tip: These are the 5 best protein snacks for everyday use

Berries and quark are the perfect breakfast combo

Especially in spring and summer, a combination of low-fat quark and berries is ideal. Just like low-fat quark, berries contain few calories because they contain hardly any fructose and no fat. 100 grams provide just 40 kilocalories. At the same time, they provide us with valuable vitamins, folic acid, which our body needs for cell division, and secondary plant substances. Among other things, the latter give the fruit its color and protect us from free radicals, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Their high fiber content also ensures that we are full quickly and for a long time.

Quark bowl with berries:

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 100 grams of strawberries
  • 100 grams of blueberries
  • 250 g low-fat quark
  • 100 ml Hafermilch


  1. Wash the strawberries and blueberries.
  2. Set aside some fruit.
  3. Puree the remaining fruit together with the low-fat quark and oat milk in a blender or with a hand blender to a creamy mass.
  4. Serve the smoothie in a bowl and decorate with the remaining fruit.

Reading tip: Dessert for breakfast? Recipe for a creamy quark casserole with blueberries

Lunch and dinner recipes

Guacamole with whole wheat bread

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 2 Write whole wheat bread
  • 1 large avocado
  • 150 g low-fat quark
  • 1 splash of lime juice
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Salt
  • Pfeffer


  1. Divide the avocado in half, remove the stone and scoop out the flesh.
  2. Mash the pulp in a bowl.
  3. Squeeze the garlic clove and add it. Mix everything together, add the lime juice and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Finally add the cottage cheese.
  5. Serve with whole wheat bread.

Vegetable patties with quark dip

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 200 grams of carrots
  • 200 g ready-made vegetable patties
  • 2 EL Öl
  • 150 g low-fat quark
  • 2 ENG Senf
  • 2 TL Honig
  • ½ TL Curry


  1. Peel the carrots and cut into slices. Then cook them in lightly salted water.
  2. Fry the patties in some canola oil.
  3. Season the low-fat quark with mustard, honey and curry.

Reading tip: This is what happens in the body when you eat cottage cheese every day

Very important: drink enough!

This diet is not suitable for people who have kidney problems or suffer from gout. For everyone else, the quark diet is a good way to get rid of one or two extra pounds over a short or longer period of up to four weeks.

You should not follow the low-fat quark diet for longer, as excessive protein intake can put a strain on the kidneys over the long term. Over time, you can then gradually replace the individual quark meals with a “normal”, balanced meal.

Very important: drink enough. It should be at least two liters per day, preferably water and herbal or fruit tea. Because, unlike most foods, quark has no fiber, so you need a lot of liquid for digestion.

However, if you want to lose weight permanently or maintain your weight, you will not be able to avoid a change in diet. But don’t worry: you don’t have to change everything right away. Start with what is easiest for you. Some find it easier to do without a beer following work, while others manage to bridge the followingnoon slump with a latte instead of a chocolate bar. Just give it a try and be patient with yourself.

Reading tip: Simple everyday tips: How to start with a healthier diet



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