Patricia Bullrich rejected the expansion of the Supreme Court and called on society to rise up: “Not even Stalin thought of it”

The owner of Pro, Patricia Bullrichgave a radio interview this Friday in which rejection the enlargement of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (CSJN) promoted by the Government. “Not even Stalin thought of it”said regarding the project that yesterday President Alberto Fernández presented to governors allies and described it as “the most dangerous” in recent decades.

“I am in Coronel Moldes, in the south of Córdoba, where there is not a drop of diesel and people cannot work. The economy is destroyed and we have a government that has put on the table the most dangerous project that I know since democracy began: the conversion of the Senate into an arm of the Executive Power, with 25 members appointed by the governors”, began the opposition in dialogue with Rivadavia and added: “This is the highest court in the country, which decides on the constitutionality of laws. They are the rights of Argentines totally annulled and our Constitution thrown in the trash.

After that, he considered that the mere fact that Fernández’s management “can think” regarding this project “demonstrates the level of authoritarianism and brutality that generates for the Government the division of powers”. “I am very alarmed by this and while some may say it can’t happen, it is the fact that they think so. I don’t think even Stalin came up with such a project“, held.

And she insisted: “It is something so out of our idiosyncrasies, our republican movement and our Constitution that I am really alarmed. We have to make a great movement of the whole society once morest this attempt to annul one of the powers of the State. Because it is to annul it, that the Executive takes it over and stop having a control of constitutionality in our country”.

Next, Bullrich remarked that the Government’s efforts to expand the Court take place in a critical context of the country in economic matters and put the focus on disinfestation of diesel confirmed by executive earlier this week. In this sense, he stated: “Today YPF turns 100 and we don’t have diesel. It is a photograph, a film of our country. We had turned it around and had managed to control our energy, but now we return to the zero point. This Argentina of the destruction of our resources and thinking that one subsidizes and never pays for things… well, today We are paying for it.”

About the end of the note and hours of the YPF act that will meet following months Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Kirchnerthe head of Pro was asked for her opinion on the link between the president and his vice. So, he replied: “I no longer pay attention to thembecause I think that when one looks at them and listens to them, they think the same. The fight, for me, is absolutely secondary, because they believe in the Venezuela of Maduro, in the Cuba of the dictatorship. When they have to agree, they agree. That’s why I think we Argentines have to be working to think regarding the future and no longer look at Cristina Kirchner and Alberto Fernández, who is a ghost president”.

Yesterday, Fernández presented to the governors and deputy governors of 17 provinces a bill from the Executive Power to raise the number of members of the CSJN from five to 25. It was within the framework of a summit held in the Eva Perón Room of Casa Rosada, which lasted for an hour and 10 minutes.

The President presented to the governors a project to raise the number of members of the Court to 25

The president stated that he himself worked on the project together with the Legal and Technical Secretary, Vilma Ibarraand the Secretary of Justice, John Martin Mena, also present during the meeting with the provincial leaders. Furthermore, it transpired that It has the approval of the vice president.

Governors participated in the meeting. Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires), Raúl Jalil (Catamarca), Jorge Captainich (Chaco), Mariano Arcioni (Chubut), Gildo Insfran (Formosa), Sergio Ziliotto (The Pampa), Ricardo Quintela (The Rioja), Omar Gutierrez(Neuquen), Arabela Carreras (Black river), Alberto Rodriguez Saa (Saint Louis), Alicia Kirchner (Santa Cruz), Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands) and Osvaldo Jaldo (Tucuman).

The lieutenant governors also attended. Laura Stratta (Between rivers), Omar Carlos Arce (Missions), Roberto Gattoni (San Juan), Carlos Silva Neder (Santiago Del Estero); while for Salta was the president of the provincial Chamber of Deputies, Esteban Amat Lacroix.



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