Al-Marsad Newspaper: Citizen Abdullah Al-Qahtani told the story of his recovery from cancer following suffering from it 5 times.
He said during an interview with him on the “Al-Rassed” program broadcast on the “Al-Ekhbariya” channel, that he had cancer for the first time in 2015 and part of the colon was removed, and following 8 months, he received chemotherapy and radiation, he recovered, then the disease moved to the liver and part of the liver was removed. Then he took chemotherapy for 4 months.
He continued: At the beginning of 2016, the disease spread to the lungs, and the examinations revealed the presence of 14 tumors, and I resorted to radiotherapy and chemotherapy for a period of 6 months, then eradication, and following a year the tumor returned to the right lung, and it was found that there were 4 tumors, and treatment was taken, then it was removed and completely healed, and following 8 months, the disease returned to the left lung.
And he added: At the beginning of 2017, the eradication was done, and now I have completely recovered.
He pointed out that the most painful period for him was when he learned of the injury the first and second time.
He pointed out that his eldest daughter was the person most affected by his illness and was his second supporter following his wife, and that his brothers and his mother were strong psychologically supportive of him.