Foods that help smokers quit smoking and save them from lung diseases

Cigarette smokers inhale tobacco mixed with aerosol particles and nicotine, this mixture makes its way deep into the lungs, these harmful components are absorbed into the bloodstream, and there are some foods that may save smokers from lung diseases and these foods may help those who are trying to quit smoking, according to what the website mentioned Times of India.

Foods that may save smokers from lung diseases

Tomato and apple

A decade-long study of 650 British and European adults found that diets rich in tomatoes and fruits, especially apples, can speed the healing of smoke-damaged lungs.

The study found that people who ate an average of more than two tomatoes or more than three servings of fresh fruit per day, especially apples, had a slower decline in lung function compared to those who ate less than one tomato or less than one serving of the fruit.

Green tea

Green tea is high in catechins and is as effective as tomatoes and apples in slowing the decline in lung capacity that comes with age and is exacerbated by smoking.

Catechins are compounds that can help regulating blood pressure Increase weight loss and protect the brain from diseases.

The antioxidants in green tea can break down and remove mucus deposits in the lungs. Green tea is also rich in antimicrobial properties that help in improving lung health.


Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it effective in relieving the damage done to the lungs by smoking.

The curcumin in turmeric is what gives it powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic properties that protect the lungs from damage from nicotine.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help detoxify the respiratory tract. It contains many vitamins and minerals including potassium, magnesium, beta-carotene and zinc.

Some ginger extracts are also known to kill lung cancer cells. You can add ginger to many dishes as an herb or take it as ginger tea.



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