Keys to increase your well-being: oxytocin, dopamine, endorphin and serotonin

First we must understand what hormones we are talking regarding: oxytocin, dopamine, endorphin and serotonin.

The first is directly related to childbirth and breastfeeding. In fact, the term has its etymological origin from the Greek τόκος tokos (“birth”).

Oxytocin is a peptide that is produced in the hypothalamus and stored in the pituitary gland, and in addition to being related to motherhood, it is closely linked to other functions that make it popularly known as “the hormone of love”. Dr. Evelyn Benavides, neurologist at Clínica Dávila, exemplifies: “It is called that way because it has functions in regulating sexual arousal, trust, creating emotional ties.

This hormone rises, for example, when hugging a person or during orgasms. The endocrinologist at the Indisa Clinic, Dr. Maritza Vivanco, highlights some of the effects of this hormone: “Oxytocin reduces stress and favors the formation of bonds, since it would reduce anxiety in interaction with others; In addition, it would occur strongly in the first months of couple relationships, favoring the phase of falling in love”.

Dr. Benavides gives us some keys that we can incorporate into our day to day.

– “It has been seen that, for example, having dinner with friends, seeing or talking with the mother, spending time with children, hugging, petting your pet, receiving massages can increase oxytocin levels. It has also been seen that physical activity, practicing yoga and listening to music can increase it.”

Dopamine, usually called “pleasure hormone” is a neurotransmitter, that is, a substance that functions as a messenger within the nervous system and is released by the hypothalamus. Some of the functions of dopamine are behavior, reward -that is, the positive feeling when achieving a goal-, sleep, mood, attention, learning and movement, among others. Its relationship with the latter is fundamental, which becomes evident when identifying that dopamine deficiency is directly associated with Parkinson’s. Dr. Vivanco also comments that it is currently suggested that this hormone would have a role not only in the sensation of pleasure but also in the generation of motivation, that is, “the desire to do something.”

– Dr. Maritza Vivanco explains that the production of dopamine is stimulated by various pleasurable activities, as well as situations that cause surprise. Dr. Benavides also details: “In general, all activities that have strong emotions, such as skydiving; In addition, activity, meditation and a good diet can increase it.” The specialist also points out that some food supplements such as curcumin and magnesium can raise it.

Endorphin is perhaps the hormone most commonly associated with pleasurable sensations, a substance that the body releases to relieve pain and provide a state of well-being.

This is also a neurotransmitter, produced by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, which has a structure similar to that of morphine, which gives rise to its name.

When the level of endorphin is high in a person, it increases the feeling of happiness, also “decreases anxiety, improves mood, delays aging, enhances immune function and reduces blood pressure,” explains Evelyn Benavides. Dr. Vivanco emphasizes that “an anti-inflammatory role has also been postulated.”

– The endocrinologist Maritza Vivanco points out: “It might be stimulated with exercise, dance, music, meditation, sex, eating dark chocolate (cocoa >70%) and acupuncture”, among others.

– The neurologist Evelyn Benavides adds that activities such as massages and laughter would be added to this.

– Singing is also an action that would enhance the increase in endorphins.

Serotonin is also known as the “hormone of happiness”, and this can be understood in an almost literal way since, for example, in situations the absence or low level of this substance is related to depression. In addition, it has a very relevant role in relation to the control of emotions, moods, weight regulation, sexual behavior, learning, memory and sleep cycles, among others. To this is added that this neurotransmitter has the functions of controlling body temperature and motor activity.

– The consumption of foods such as eggs, bananas, nuts, broccoli, spinach, cocoa and chia might help produce it.

– Have healthy sleep habits, sleeping the necessary number of hours at the right time.

– Do physical activity.

– To practice mindfulness.

– In addition, according to the American neuroscientist Alex Korb, a simple way to increase serotonin in the body is to think of happy memories. He also posits that hugging, sun exposure, and aerobic exercise might help increase this hormone.



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