Eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day… Who invented that?

It should be remembered that barely 30% of Canadians and 10% of Americans succeed in following this recommendation.

Raising it to 10 servings would therefore risk discouraging some, all the more so if it turns out that the gains are not enormous.

First impacted by the pandemic, the grocery cart is now affected by l’inflation.

Juice often contains sugar

Some fruits and vegetables are better than others. canned fruit in particular should be avoided since they have been associated with a higher risk of mortality, possibly due to sucre that they contain.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are therefore to be preferred, whether raw or cooked. Juice should be excluded from these daily servings, due to the added sugar it contains.

And there is one last important nuance to be brought to all these studies. Overall, those who consume the most fruits and vegetables are often those who have better lifestyle habits. They’re more active, they don’t smoke, and they tend to have healthier food on their plate.



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