BLUE dollar TODAY: price this June 2 and what is the price

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The price of the blue dollar and the official dollar of June 2 in Argentina. How much is the currency trading at?

The BLUE DOLLAR TODAY keeps Argentines expectant day by day. For this reason, we will tell you what is the price at which it is listed this June 2. Find out how much the dollar is trading in the official market and also in the parallel market.

Dollar TODAY: how much is the BLUE trading for this June 2

Last updated on 2/6 at 07:00.

US DOLLARS $119,25 $125,25
BLUE DOLLAR $203 $206
DOLLAR CDO WITH LIQ $204,89 $214,53
COUNTED MEP DOLLAR $206,78 $206,93

What are the types of dollar in Argentina

It was born in January 2014 and consists of the official value of the North American currency plus 20 percent of the income and personal property tax. It should be noted that there is still a sale stock of 200 dollars per person and per month.

Also known as the black dollar or parallel dollar, this bill is sold in the informal market, through little trees or caves. It usually has an exchange rate that is well above the official dollar.

  • 3- Mep Dollar or Bag Dollar

It consists of the purchase of bonds in pesos and their subsequent sale in dollars. These are denominated in dollars but are listed in both dollars and pesos, allowing them to be operated in both currencies.

It is in which people or companies sell or buy dollars to the bank or exchange agencies, according to the price offered by each entity. There are two quotes: “buy”, which is the price the bank is willing to pay to buy dollars from people, and “sell”.

Foreign trade, payment of dollarized debts and dividends are used. In addition, it corresponds to the official dollar rate that the Central Bank charges retail banks.

This is an operation by which a person or company can exchange Argentine pesos for dollars abroad, through the purchase and sale of shares or debt securities.

  • 7- Dollar for industry and services

Due to the effect of withholdings, exporters of manufactures and services actually receive a dollar at a lower value than the official one, and much lower than the blue.

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