Gasoline in Peru | As of July 1, only two types of gasoline will be sold at taps | Prices and how much it costs TODAY | NMRI EMCC | ECONOMY

As of July 1, only two types of gasoholes will be sold at stations and taps: premium and regular. As is known, the Executive Branch eliminated the octane classification of gasoline with the aim of simplifying the fuel market for the benefit of users.

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According to Supreme Decree 014-2021-EM, published on Friday, May 20 in “El Peruano”, the measure would be in accordance with the implementation of fuels with less environmental impact.

It is important to specify that premium-type gasohol groups 98, 97 and 95 gasoline, and will have the denomination of 96 octane. For its part, the regular includes 84 and 90 octane gasoline, and will be 91 octane.

This decision would imply modifications in the identification of the suppliers and totem (block where prices are displayed). Not only will it mean cash outflows, but there will inevitably be initial confusion among buyers who will migrate looking for low prices.

The Minem considered that the law will allow optimizing the storage and commercialization of fuels, in addition to being complemented by the revision of the regulatory framework that points to an improvement in the production of fuels, as well as in the levels of environmental quality.

Regarding 84 octane gasoline, the sale of this fuel will be authorized until July 2023 only in the Amazonas, Loreto, Madre de Dios and San Martin regions.

Additionally, the Executive also ordered that, from the month of July of this year, the commercialization of B5 Diesel fuel with a content not greater than 50 parts per million (ppm) at the national level, with the exception of the Loreto and Ucayali regions. This measure will be extended to gasoline and gasohols from July 2022.


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