Pay close attention to this insect, do not touch it! Your health in danger…

Here is the list of the most dangerous insects in the world, your health is in great danger so follow our advice! We will explain everything to you …

Most people don’t like insects, worse, they are afraid of them. Well, you won’t change your mind with this article! Indeed, we reveal to you the 10 small animals not to cross on your way, in particular an insect which arrives in first position. Do you know what insect it is?

Which insect should not be touched? The top 10 most dangerous!

danger insect

Number 10: the “Paraponera

The Paraponera is known as the “bullet ant”. With such a designation, we immediately understand who we are dealing with! Indeed, its sting is compared to the pain of a gunshot. In addition to pain, the venom of this ant attacks the central nervous system, so the pain spreads throughout the body.

Although the bite of this insect is very painful, it is not fatal. In addition, you should know that the effects of its substance do not last long. It is above all fear that will take over, because you will have quite intense convulsions, cold sweats and your heart will get carried away. Namely that it is the largest ant in terms of size and that it is in the forest Amazonian.

Number 9: The Giant Hornet

This insect is also scary. In addition, he is attracted to odors such as alcohol or human sweat. So you can’t always control them. Unlike the ant, its sting is deadly. Giant hornets are present on the Asian continent, especially in China.

In 2013, forty-three people were killed by the bite of this insect and two others were seriously injured. The scene is shocking… Hundreds of giant hornets were flying in the Chianti region and chasing people for several hundred meters. Sometimes some people have been stolen more than 200 times… A scenario worthy of the greatest horror films…

Number 8: Fleas

These little beasts look innocent and they even have an affectionate name, yet they are not. Namely that these insects can jump up to three times their size and cling to the hair of dogs and cats.

If they enter a house, they can multiply with astonishing speed. A bite from this insect causes intense itching that can even create an infection if left untreated. So always check the hair of your four-legged friends and treat them!

In number 7: an insect called Triatominae

This insect is a type of bug that can transmit a very serious disease called Chagas disease to humans. It causes flu-like symptoms, but the problem is that it is incurable.

There is no treatment to cure it. The mort is inevitable… This sickness can also cause an enlarged heart or thinning of the colon. Namely that these insects are attracted by the CO2 that people expel when they breathe. Thus, this insect often bites near the mouth…

In number 6: the recluse

Of course, in the lot of the most dangerous insects, one could not forget to put a spider. An insect that haunts us and of which some people have a real phobia. Is it a big tarantula? Not really ! The so-called recluse spider isn’t the scariest in terms of appearance, but its bite is indeed deadly. Indeed, its venom is so intense that it can destroy human flesh in just a few minutes. This causes very rapid necrosis of your cells.

But, rest assured, most of the time, its bite causes swelling, redness, but the symptoms disappear after just a few days. Sometimes victims may experience very severe pain throughout the body, chills, nausea, ulcers, aching joints, or even epileptic seizures.

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Number 5: Tsetse fly

Of course, you have already heard of this insect. He lives in Central Africa and carries diseases that can be fatal wherever he goes. passe.

For example, sleeping sickness, which attacks the brain human. In addition to feeling sleepy all the time, being very tired, you may also have coordination problems, permanent confusion and a change in your personality deep. Know that there is no vaccine no treatment.

In number 4: flies

You meet them every day! But some are more dangerous than others, especially those found in regions with hot or temperate climates. Flies indeed lay eggs directly in the body of other insects such as ticks or mosquitoes for example.

Then, if you are bitten by these insects, the eggs will be deposited at the same time under our skin. This will create holes for bacteria to pass through your skin. As a result, you can get serious infections. Fortunatelythere are solutions to treat yourself by taking antibiotics or having the eggs removed by a professional.

Number 3: The Africanized Bee

This insect is so called because it is a cross between European bees and bees that come from Africa. Like giant hornets, they are very aggressive, attack and chase and can sting to death.

However, their venom is not necessarily more dangerous, but it is the number of bites that will play. These bees will sting so many times that the poison contained in the human being will be too important and therefore fatal.

Number 2: mosquitoes

The mosquitoes are a real scourge. Every year, about 800,000 people die from the bite of this insect. Some of them may carry virus mortels such as malaria, yellow fever or dengue fever.

People who live in cities are less likely to be bitten by a disease-carrying insect, unlike those who live in the countryside.

Number one: the most dangerous insect is the giant chinch bug

We end this top 10 of the most dangerous insects with the giant water bug.

This is an insect found in North and South America as well as northern Australia.


She lives in freshwater springs, near a river or reservoir.

Its bite is extremely painful and you can die from it. We must therefore avoid crossing his path…

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