This charming Egyptian artist married her son by mistake .. and surprisingly, the son’s reaction when he discovered the matter!

In the last century, the world was on a date with a new Oedipal story starring a famous woman and artist who married her son by mistake, and here we lack the full story before we ask what psychology says regarding this case.

Here, and with a quick psychological reading of the story that we narrate below, psychologists assume, in their reading of the details of the “Adobe complex,” that when a person falls into such a mistake, he experiences a state of imbalance in the components of his psychological life. It seemed to get rid of this pain, which happened in most cases that involved such a mistake, so let’s read the story and see the reaction of the son and compare it with the above.

The artist Amira Amir is one of the artists of the beautiful time, who lived one of the strangest stories, whose end was tragic, and very painful, following a busy life full of events, Amira married her son!!! What is the origin of the story?

The real name of the late artist Amira Amir, was Saadia Abdel Rahman Abu Al-Ela, who was born on January 17, 1920, in the Sharkia Governorate, from a father who worked as a butcher, and one day the health inspector came to inspect him, to discover that he violated the legal selling prices, and a quarrel broke out between them. .

The quarrel developed between Saadeen’s father and the health inspector, ending with him killing the inspector with the cleaver who was using him in his work as a butcher. This was the first tragedy she faced in her life, as her father was sentenced to life imprisonment, and he died during his imprisonment.

Saadia was only 16 years old at that time, and she had to work as a seamstress to be able to live with her family. Marriage, she decided to leave her husband and son and flee away to Cairo, due to her husband’s addiction to alcohol.

After Amira Amir “Sadia Abdel Rahman” fled to Cairo, her husband fell into a severe depression, which led him to commit suicide, and thus took his sister, the child Khaled, to raise him following his mother’s escape.

Saadia Abdel Rahman is looking for work in Cairo, following escaping from Sharqia, until she found an advertisement in the newspapers asking for new faces to act in a movie called “My Girl.” She immediately went to apply for work, and due to her stark beauty, the director immediately agreed to give her a role starring in the movie.

The artist Aziza Amir was impressed by her and agreed to give her the role, and gave her the name Amira Amir, to suit her artistic journey, and since then she became famous and became the talk of the newspapers and the lights turned around her.

The artist Amira Amir, went to the world of fame, and met the director Kamal Selim, and a love story occurred between them, and he married her, and following several years Kamal Selim died, and she continued her artistic works, until she married the assistant of her late husband, Mohamed Abdel Gawad, but soon the divorce occurred and she married a singer A Jordanian Palestinian named Gram Shima.

Amira Amir gave birth to her husband, the Palestinian-Jordanian singer “Gharam Shaima”, her daughter “Isama”, but following a period of marriage they differed and she separated from him, and she left her daughter to him, to marry once more to an Armenian man who lived in Egypt and they also differed because of his work in America and her refusal to travel with him her, and ended up divorced.

Amira Amir then married an Egyptian army officer named Ibrahim Fayez Sabri, and had two sons from him, Amir and Baha, and separated from him following 6 years, following which she decided to immigrate to America and start a new stage in her life.

The late artist Amira Amir immigrated to America, and worked as a dancer in Broadway theaters, and there she met a young Jewish man, she met him and a love story happened between them, and he asked her to marry, and despite the great attack she was subjected to from the Egyptian embassy and the Egyptian people, she hit the wall, She married him and obtained American citizenship.

And the late Amira Amir noticed that her Jewish husband spoke Arabic fluently at times, and when she asked him regarding the matter, he told her his story that he was a young man of Egyptian origin, met a Jewish girl and loved her and immigrated with her to Israel, and changed his religion to Judaism, so that he might marry his beloved He obtained Israeli citizenship, in exchange for giving up the Egyptian, and then came to America.

The story of the young man, Amira Amir, was curious to know more details regarding his Egyptian origin, and she began to ask him regarding the details of his previous life, and where he lived in Egypt, to tell her that he was born in the Sharkia Governorate, only to discover that he was raised in the same place where she got married.

Amira Amir asked her husband regarding his family and his father, to tell her his father’s name and that he married his mother, who was beautiful and younger than him in age, but she died and her name was Saadia, so she became very faint and asked him: Is your real name Khaled?

Khaled was surprised that she knew his real name and replied that it was his real name, so Saadia Abdel Rahman, known as Amira Amir, fell into a coma, affected by her shock, and was immediately taken to the hospital, and when she woke up from her coma, she told him that she was his mother.

Khaled immediately called his aunt, who told him the truth that his mother had not died, and that she was a famous artist named Amira Amir, and Khaled was shocked following confirming the fact that he had married his mother, and immediately without thinking, he committed suicide, throwing himself in front of a car that was traveling in the street, so that the son and his mother died in same moment.

The story has a legendary origin. It is said that in ancient times there was a boy named Oedipus, which in Greek means (the owner of swollen feet).

The summary of Oedipus’ story is that there was a fortune-teller who told the king of Thebes that he would be killed by his son, and at that time his wife was pregnant, as she gave birth to her child, Oedipus, and the king ordered that nails be hammered into the infant’s feet and that it be thrown over the mountain.

And this was the reason behind the name Oedipus, and following the nails were hammered into the child’s foot and he was thrown over the mountain as requested by the king, the shepherds found the child in this bad condition and took him to the king of Corinth, where the king raised the child as princes are raised.

After Oedipus became a young man, he wanted to know his country and birth, but the fortune-teller advised him not to do so, as he told him that there was a danger waiting for you and that you would kill your father and marry your mother.. But Oedipus did not listen to this at all and decided to go to Thebes, On the way, he met a man and quarreled with him, and the quarrel broke out between them

And Oedipus killed the man he did not know was his father, then he went to Thebes, and at that time there was an animal called (the Sphinx), and that animal consisted of the head of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird, and he was torturing the people of Thebes.

It is said that the gods sent the Sphinx to ask people riddles, and whoever does not solve these riddles, the animal will kill him. With great beauty, and when the animal threw the riddle on Oedipus

Which included (What animal walks on four in the morning, and on two in the followingnoon, and on three in the evening?) And Oedipus was able to solve the riddle where the answer was the human being because when he was young he crawled on all fours and when he grew up he walked on two ,

And when he grows old, he uses a stick for that, he walks on three, and there are those who say that the Sphinx, when he heard the answer, committed suicide, and there are those who say that Oedipus was the one who killed him, then Oedipus became a king and married the queen that he did not know was his mother and gave birth to a child Maha.

But in the end, the clairvoyant went to him and told Oedipus the truth.. And when the queen learned that her husband would be her son, she hanged herself. As for Oedipus, he popped his eye and left Thebes with his daughter from his mother and lived in misery until he died.



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