Baby girl: the dog that was abandoned with a backpack and a note – Pets – Life

The photos of Baby Girl, an almost 6-year-old mixed-breed dog who was left tied to a fire hydrant, along with a note and a suitcase full of food, treats and toys in the city of Green Bay, Wisconsin (United States) They went viral in recent weeks following locals shared them on social media, prompting an emotional response from many users.

Apparently the owners of the canine, who was rescued by the Wisconsin Humane Society (WHS), had financial difficulties to continue caring for her due to medical conditions that the pet presented.

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WHS professionals checked the dog’s health and realized that she suffered from diabetes mellitus, a disease that requires, among other care, daily glucose monitoring, a restricted diet and insulin injections at home, which makes her a condition that can be expensive to manage due to the monthly purchase of insulin and other medical supplies.

The dog was saved by this organization, which also shared an emotional message through its social networks in which they regretted that the owner of Baby Girl had to separate from her, highlighting that surely this person acted according to what he thought what was best for your pet.

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“We are so sorry that you had to part ways with your best friend. It is evident how much you loved her and we can see that you did the best you might while struggling with your own medical complications and life challenges. We see your love in the bag you carefully packed.” with all her favorite things. We see your love in the way you secured her leash so she wouldn’t get hit by a car. We see your love in the way you placed her in the middle of a neighborhood where she would be found quickly. We see her love in what happy and healthy Baby Girl looks. And we see your love in the note you left, begging for someone to help her when you mightn’t anymore,” reads the WHS message.

Baby Girl was officially put up for adoption on May 12 and with several people eagerly waiting to meet her, the WHS reported that the dog fortunately found her new home that same day.


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