kvthomas says ldf will win in thrikkakara

KV Thomas says Congress will accept defeat in Thrikkakara. A low turnout would be a setback for Congress. KV Thomas told Twentyfour that K Sudhakaran and others withdrew from the campaign fearing defeat. KV Thomas also criticized the cyber gang of the Congress for calling out any obscenity.

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He also said that Joe Joseph would win by a good majority. KV Thomas said that Uma Thomas should not have contested the elections and that Uma’s candidature was once morest the PT’s stand. The election was conducted with utmost care. After voting for Joe Joseph, many commented that professionalism should come instead of regular politicians.

During his tenure, it was estimated that an increase in the vote share would favor the Congress. Today that has changed. It is not easy to predict who will win by looking at the low and high turnout. The internal affairs of the Congress have seriously affected the election. Many senior leaders abstained from the election. He added that the opposition leader’s approach was one-sided.

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